༺When He's Stressed༻

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• Lucifer

Being the oldest brother and Diavolos right-hand man has given him many responsibilities and tasks that need to be done. It's no surprise that sometimes he wants to rest on his bed right next to you.

"Lucifer?" You open the door to see the poor man working at an exhausting pace. "You need to rest, Lucifer"

"I need to finish the paperwork though. I'm sorry" He buries himself back again into all the papers around his desk. You approached Lucifer who sighed tiredly. He shivers as you gently touch his neck and go all the way down to his back. You caressed him like that a few more times until he dropped his pen on the table and leaned back in his chair. The dark circles under his eyes made yours widen.

"You need to rest, now!" You take Lucifer's hand and drag him to the couch. He doesn't fight against you and tumbles on it. You lay down next to him and cover his entire face with smooches until he closes his eyes. 

"Thanks (Y/N)..." He says one last time until he has fallen asleep

• Mammon

Debts, debts, and debts! No matter how hard Mammon works at Madam Screams or models for every client he gets, his paycheck will all be gone before he could even grasp it. It all goes to either Levi or the witches. Ever since you two started dating he has been more paranoid than usual about his debts and his money-spending addiction. He now realized how far his dreams of starting a family with you and living together in a big house are. 

"I wish it started rainin' money" Mammon lays on his back and hugs his pillow tightly against his chest. You are laying right next to him, your hand is caressing his cheek until you start petting his hair. Your touch had an effect on him he can't describe, it's as if all of his previous issues weren't there. If only your touch could actually solve his issues...

"That would definitely solve our problems but it's impossible. In the meantime..." You remove his pillow and embrace him tightly against your chest. "We have each other and I will always try to help you."

Mammon sighs gently until his eyes are fully closed. If keeping you all to himself right now is selfish, he wouldn't mind calling himself the most selfish demon on all three worlds.

• Leviathan

With Levi, you'd think he gets stressed for simply not getting the Ruri-chan figurine he desperately wanted. And even if that is stressing him out right now, you'd always try to aid him the best you can. But no, this time he's not simply feeling upset about a figurine. It is a kind of stress he never experienced before. A desire for you but also the fear of being rejected. The fear that he isn't giving you enough attention, a dread crawling on him that he isn't good enough. Never have you experienced him feeling like this. But you knew damn well what to do. 

With his head on your chest, you calmly stroke his back and let him rant about his problems. Never did you interrupt him, even if some of the issues he faces would sound stupid to someone who's not as passionate as he is. It seemed like hours have passed but he still had so much in his system that he needs to let go. But right now, all you two needed was a rest. So you two fell asleep in each other arms.

• Satan

A night in the house of lamentation, one of the stressful nights someone can have based on how annoying Satan brothers get. And this night, they were the most annoying.

Everyone was arguing loudly in almost every place inside the house of lamentation. Satan couldn't find a single room where the yells weren't echoing off the walls. And it drove him nuts. 

You saw him sitting in his room, trying to read a book through all the noise. He didn't even hear you entering his room.

"Satan?" He turned aggressively to you but softened when he noticed that it was you who visited him. "Are you okay? You seem real... angry"

"I wish those idiots could keep quiet for a second!" Satan placed his book down and laid down his bed. You sat on his bed and played with his hair. He looked at you and pulled you down next to him.

"I think they've stopped fighting now..." You place your hand on his cheek and caress him gently. He smiles in response and leans in your touch.

• Asmodeus

It is certainly difficult to not get taken seriously and have everyone use your lust against you. Not only that but he's dreading the thought, that you wouldn't trust him due to his nature and break up with you because of said trust issues. Asmodeus is far from unfaithful and it saddens him just how many people are surprised by that. They all expected him to start a harem or something or that he would never engage in a monogamous relationship. So when you told him that you trust him all the time it felt like stones were lifted from his shoulders. Asmodeus tries his best to prove his love to you, cuddling and kissing are some of the many activities you two do together.

"(Y/N)~?" Asmodeus sings your name out as he enters your room. You drop the book you were reading on your bed and listen to what he said.

"I've heard that a cat Cafe has opened somewhere around here and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?" He approaches you with an innocent smile.

"Sure, just lemme get ready. I don't wanna leave the house looking like a mess-" before you could finish your sentence he has kissed you on the lips. After the kiss, he holds your face and looks you lovingly in the eyes.

"(Y/N), you're always beautiful. let's go, just you and me~ I'll make sure that every demon will see how lucky I am to have you!"

Moments like those always remind you of how lucky you are for having someone like him.


Sometimes it is hard to believe that Beel is actually a demon. Seriously, he holds a warm and fuzzy golden heart in his chest in which he put all of his brothers and you in it. Some could even mistake him with an angel if he wasn't the avatar of gluttony. And his glutton is what Beel hates about himself. He tries to keep his brothers and you safe and happy which is hard if he constantly eats everything inside the fridge. Everybody is annoyed by his behavior and it's no secret to him. On one particular night, Lucifer scolded him even more about his behavior while the other brothers were snickering in the back. Beelzebub locked himself in his room and planned to stay alone in it for the entire night until you decided to show up.

"Beel?" you gently opened the door to see the gentle orange giant lying on his bed with his back faced to you. You walked towards him and placed your hand on his back, his eyes were open but his gaze never met yours.

"You..." he turns to you. "You don't think I'm annoying, right?"

"Of course not!" you lay next to him. "I love everything about you, there's nothing that I dislike" His lips twitched up to a small smile. He wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pushed you close to his chest and held you there for the entire night.


Even though the drama around Belphie, Lucifer, and the whole Lilith thing has calmed down, it hasn't left his mind. And it hasn't left yours either, the image of your dead body in Mammon arms. Yet, you have forgiven him. You forgave him completely because you knew of the struggles he went through and the pain that was caused to him. Nothing bothered you about what he did because to you, it's all in the past and cannot affect your love for Belphegor anymore. But Belphie believes otherwise. He has been conditioned to believe by his own mind, that he will one day hurt you and lose you to his own selfish thoughts. So when you cuddle together in bed and show your love to each other with nothing but touches, all the worries get washed away. It's just you and him, everything is a mess but you have each other. 

Your hands are tangled in Belphegor's soft ones as quiet snores leave his slightly parted lips. You smile towards your lover who can't see it but definitely sense your happiness with him. You leaned close to him and gave him a soft kiss until you drifted off to sleep yourself.

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