Doki Doki Magic Love Academy: The Secret Character

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Salvus Neverwood, High King of the Woodland Fae

Fae? Like fairies? With wings? 

"Yeah basically." 

Woah. I didn't realize there were non-humans here.

"There aren't many from what I understand."

Age: unknown, but no less than a couple thousand years 

Is he immortal? 

"Dunno. The game never really said if he was."

Blood Type: KX

What the hell does that mean? 

"He's not human, so he doesn't have human blood. In the game when he is injured, his blood is blue." 

Oh, cool. 

Magical Affinity: Verdant and Fae 

You haven't said what he looks like. 

"Well... you saw him."

I did? When? 

"He was the one you called kid." 

What?! He was like 12! 

Appearance: teal green hair and amber eyes. 

"There's more to this. I'll explain." 

Backstory: The fae have been hidden for hundreds of years as their relationship with humans was never the best. The king starts to get bored and decides to watch humans, and he happens to decide to watch the Academy. He becomes interested in human magic and how they are teaching, so he pretends to be a human to enroll. Since he hasn't been around humans in a long time, he misjudges what age the students are and transforms into a 13-year-old boy. He uses fae magic to charm the headmaster and he's admitted as a prodigy student. 

Ok. So this is pretty typical. A non-human learning what it's like to be human then falling in love with a human. 

"The setup is."

Since he is a special character, you can only trigger him with the following conditions: First, you had to complete the game with any other character first. Second, by the end of your first year, if you did not gain enough relationship points to have any of the capture targets ask you to the end of year ball, then he will appear the following semester. 

Wait. I thought the end of year ball happens at the end of the second year. 

"No, it's the end of year ball because it happens at the end of each year. As first years, it is just a CG event for the capture target you have the highest relationship with." 

Ok. But why do you hate this guy? Other than, he obviously is a little shit. 

To get Salvus' good ending, you have to focus solely on raising his relationship stats. Since you only have half the game, you have to ignore everything else that happens including the assassination plot. If you succeed he whisks you away to be his bride to live in the fairy realm. But since you didn't interact with the other capture targets, you essentially get the bad endings of all the other characters simultaneously. Prince Levi is killed, Sir Grey loses his whole family, Lord Simon marries Lady Angelica, Professor McGreggor never regains his magic ability, and Duke Victor will remain a good for nothing playboy. It's also alluded that Rubar eventually invades the kingdom and institute a reign of tyranny. 

Jesus. This is the good ending??

To get Salvus' bad ending, you don't romance him after he enters the academy. This means even if you manage to max out your skills for another capture target, since he is present, he will automatically override that ending. He decides that humans are weak and pathetic and have no redeeming qualities and this whole thing was a waste of his time. But since the heroine was the person who initially grabbed his attention, he decides to kidnap her and bring her back to the fairy realm where she is treated like a court jester - a plaything to keep the king amused. 

WTF. Both his endings suck!!

"To be honest, when I played the game I didn't mind him. But once we were reincarnated here, and I realized that all these people are real people, I couldn't imaging picking a route that ends in the worst possible way for everyone." 

I totally support that. But you know what this means? 


You need a date to that damn ball! No matter what! 

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