"Times new Roman, double spaced and 14' " I said and he began.
"How do you date your papers?" Vincenzo asked and I replied. "Upper right side, standard titling and essay format."

Then, over the course of 4 hours I watched as Vincenzo completed nearly all of my essays, there were about 3 left.
"I need a break." He says, "you deserve it, thanks so much for doing all of this." I said feeling throughly warmth and appreciative.

He gets up and does a handful of stretches before lifting his muscular arms above his head and cracking his knuckles.
His shirt lifts revealing his adorable belly button.

He walks over to me and presses a kiss to my cheek and my eyebrow and my nose and then he's gone.

I successfully completed all my class work handouts including homework and then moved over to Vincenzo's essays.
I was surprised at how simple they were written. I expected an essay that needed to be read in cursive.

He made a lot of sound and consistent arguments, never straying off topic or leaving any space for counter arguments.

Overall, it was definitely A worthy, if not for the lack of SAT words.

I wonder if this is how he thinks I write as I randomly drizzle words that make teachers drool. I remember him saying he doesn't believe in bad or evil people, and that people are just victims of their circumstances.
Does that mean he's willing to excuse every crime, whether it's done by him or another.

I printed the papers after double checking for spelling or grammatical errors but found none.
I walked over to the printer to retrieve my papers, I took out the stack, seeing an old news paper print on the front. There was a political post in the front and then a football section.

"Missing, laquaisha Washington, age 16, last seen near Ross on Arthur road with a purple hoodie and a blue backpack."
There was a grainy picture of a smiling younger black girl with a relaxed ponytail.

The article was also talking about the new iPhone 5 so I assumed it was from 2012.
Why would Vincenzo need an article from 2012.

"Laquaisha Washington.." I said the name to my self, but I couldn't place it.

I place the paper down and carried my papers over to the table.
My stomach turned at the implications left behind by the paper.

Vincenzo comes back up the stairs moments later, he picks up the piece of paper almost immediately as if he could tell something about the room was out of space.

"Did you know her?" I asked suddenly. "Did I know who?" Vincenzo asked looking at the paper more throughly.
"Laquaisha Washington?" I asked and he shrugs. "I saw her on the news and her face was familiar." Vincenzo claims.
"What did they say about her on the news?" I asked, surprised at his calmness at my sudden interest.
" that she came back. She was reported missing after she ran off with her boyfriend to Texas and recently returned home." He narrates.
"Oh that's nice, that she's not hurt or anything." I said, relieved that he could explain away having something like that.

"It is nice." Vincenzo said before walking the paper to a small paper recycling bin.

"Vince?" I called out for him, he turns around to look at me.
"How's the not killing people thing going?" I asked and he walks over to his seat across from me.
"It's only been one day, the urge takes a little while longer to manifest." Vincenzo says, looking at the computer desk.
"It's been one day since you killed anyone?!"
"No baby, it's been one day since I swore off killing people. it's been about a month since my last mission."
"And you're committing?" I asked, feeling my hands shake a little in anticipation of his answer.
"I'm committing."

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