When You Think Of Him ~ Donnie

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As you walk to the library for your shift at work, you see a book on neurons and nerve cells. That was the same book that Donatello was reading when you meet him.

You walk into the library and start to read. no one is there since you just opened up for the day. then someone walks into the library. it's a person with a purple hoddy and baggy bluejeans.

My up run up to the person and hug them. "Hey get off me!" Says the person. His hood fell off and you see that it is a normal boy with blue eyes and dark black hair.

"Oh sorry ... I ... thought you were someone else." you say sadly. you go back to work only to have your boss fire you because of budget cuts.

But you didn't care. all you could think of is your turtle in the purple mask..."Donnie" you say as you head home.

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