Chapter 5

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Sorry for the long update. Also incase you forgot this is the outfit Peyton was wearing last.

POV: Peyton

Once I got home. I couldn't stay put. Should I call him??? I can't though! I need to talk to him. Ugh! We could use him to testify. I know that, but I don't want to talk to him. I look around my apartment. PoodeeToodee sleeping on the couch. A few dishes in the sink. And my papers for work. I see my house phone. I sigh. "I'll call, but if he doesn't answer then I'm not trying again." I walk over and hit the buttons. I wait as it rings. The voicemail plays. I hung up. "No answer. But I did call." I look at PoodeeToodee. She has a judgmental face. "What? I didn't say I would leave a message." She makes a small whine sound before she puts her head back down. So cute. "You know what. I've been very busy lately. Maybe I should take the rest of the day to myself." She was silent. "We could watch a movie or get takeout?" Nothing. "I'm trying to bounce ideas off of you! You could try and help you know." She rolled over. "I should get out of work wear, but how about we go for a walk?" PoodeeToodee immediately jumped up, and ran to the door. "So cute." I grab her leash, and a few bags. Since it was already 6:20 by the time I got home, we still had a few hours of light left. We walk around for some time. No real plans, but walking. I wasn't sure the time,but the sun was setting. We sit down on the park bench. A quick rest before we head back. "So. See any hotties?" She looks at me. "I know you liked that Bully, but it wouldn't have worked out." She put her head on my lap, with a little whine. "So. Did you see any men that might be good for me?" I chuckled. She sat up. "Wait did you?" Suddenly she jumped off the bench, and started to run. I didn't have her leash. I kicked off my heels, I started to chase after her. "POODEETOODEE!" She turned the corner, that's where the food trucks are. This tall man was waiting in line, and she hopped in front of him and started kissing him. I could only see his back, but those Jean! Not to quote Dolly Parton, But... I ain't never seen a cowboy
Look that good in jeans. Like he is perfect, tall, muscular, a great ass, blonde hair. Best part is, it isn't standing up! PoodeeToodee if you actually found me a man, I will buy you all the toys. I dust myself off. I'm still in full lawyer wear, and I left my heels. I put on a smile. Time to flirt. "PoodeeToodee, don't be jumping on this..." He turns around. He looks exactly like All Might just a little different. "Nope." I grab her leash, and start to walk away.
"Did you just nope me?" He asked.
"Yup. I'm not dealing with this right now."
"And what is this?" He was walking beside me now.
"I really hate you."
"How can you hate someone you don't know?"
I turn to him. "I just do." And at that second I stepped into something wet. Now my foot is wet. "Great. Now I have to walk back to my heel, with a wet foot. Why didn't I pick them up."
"Be happy it's just a wet foot. You could of gotten hurt."
"Hmmm, pain or this conversation.... I chose the pain."
"Ok. Now stop following me."
"I can't leave you to walk by yourself. It's getting dark."
"How do I know I can trust you, and you aren't planning to kidnap me?
"Trust me, any kidnappers would return you."
"Rude! I'm a very pleasant person."
"Not from what I've seen."
"That's because I don't like."
"So what do I have to do to get on your good side?"
"Stop following me is part one." He stopped, I got a few feet away, when I stepped on something sharp. "Fuck!" I jumped back on one leg, ending up falling on my ass.
He ran over. "Are you ok?"
My face goes red. "I-I'm fine!" I attempt to stand up. But the second my food touched the ground, pain. I fell into his arms. "I think there is something in my foot." Dam! He smells good.
"There isn't much light over here. I can check for you..."
"I just have to get over to the bench. It's under a light, and my heels are there." I point over.
Suddenly I was sitting on his arm, and he was holding me close. "You might want to hold on." He chuckles.
I scowled, but I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Just make this fast." He was also holding PoodeeToodee leash. He gets over to the bench, and sets me down. He squat in front of me. He then takes my leg, and looks at it.
"I don't see anything wrong..."
"Wrong foot." I pull my leg back.
His face goes pink. "Sorry." He takes my other foot. He looks. "Well the bottom of your... Sock?"
"Close enough."
"There is blood and a rip. But I can't really see very well...." He was thinking, before I could say anything, his hands go to my thigh, and his fingers just under my dress. He grabs the top of my 'sock'.
I slap his hand. "What the hell! Stop using your micro head, and use this one!" I flick his forehead.
His face is very red now. "I-I'm sorry! I wasn't trying..."
"Whatever. I'll take it off." I pull it down, and off my foot. "Better. Also you better not be a creepy foot dude either."
He kinda started at my bare leg for a few seconds, because he started to move again. He held my leg gently, as he looked at the bottom of my foot. He then pulled a small piece of glass. "I believe this is the source of your problem."
"Thank goodness. Now is my foot bleeding? Do I need to go to the hospital?"
He chuckles. "I think your fine. Try standing." He stood up, and backed up so I had space.
I placed both feet on the ground. "Much better."
He then bent over and picked up my heels. "Maybe you shouldn't walk the dog in heels."
"Bite your tongue!"
"I'm just saying. This wouldn't have happen if you had on sneakers."
"My pupper doesn't normally run off like that."
"Then why did she today?"
I froze. I was going to tell him how I told her to fine me a man. That would of been awkward, considering she found him. "She was hungry."
"I don't believe that."
"She saw a bully she wanted to mingle with, but she got distracted by humans."
I sat down and slid my 'sock' back on. He handed me my heels. I then Put them on. A little uncomfortable considering I had glass In my foot, but I'll live. "Ok. Well thanks you. Now we must go." I grabbed her leash. And started to walk. Only I got stopped. I turned to look at PoodeeToodee. She was sitting next to him. "Come on." I gave the leash a small tug. She didn't move. I look at him. "Come over here please."
He walked over to me, and she followed him. "Go over that way." He look at me crazy, but did as told. She followed. "Ok. I need to huddle with my girl." I got down next to her. I whispered to her. "I know I said find a man, but please let him go. I do not want him." She whines. Then laid down.
"So she ran because you told her to find a man." He was smiling.
"Don't get cocky. She likes bully dogs when she is a basset hound."
I attempt to pick PoodeeToodee up. It didn't work. I scowled. "Will you walk us home?" Her tail started to wag.
He chuckles. "Sure." We walk, and she follows him. Of course the walk wasn't going to be silent, he started talking. "So why do you hate me?"
"Ugh! You remember me of a person I hate. You happy?"
"Why do you hate him? Is he just to good looking?"
"Can I punch you?"
"Sure, but you might hurt yourself."
"Geez, you act just like him. An arrant asshole."
"He probably isn't that bad."
"Maybe, maybe not. But being a lawyer, I have to talk to him...." I have to call him before the end of the night.... "Shit, I should of taken his cellphone number earlier."
"Why is that?"
"I have to ask him a question. Ugh."
"Well do you want it now?"
I pull out my cellphone, and pull the antenna. "Ok."
I typed in The numbers as he said them. I then hit call. I waited for it to ring.... "I can't focus with your phone going off."
"Sorry." He pulls out a red phone. Then flips it open. "Hello."
I lowered my phone. As I started at him. Did he give me his number?! I look at the phone in his hand. He smiles at me. I put my phone away, then ball up my fists, and started to beat them against his chest. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT!" He chuckles. Does he actually think this is funny?!
"Your kinda cute when your mad." He then froze. I froze. His face goes red.
"IM NOT MAD, IM PISSED!" I slapped him. "I thought you looked a lot like All Might. And I was right!"
"Please don't say All Might too loud."
His hand went over my mouth. "Please." I see a few people looking around for him. I attempted to pull his hand away. It didn't work. "Are you going to behave?" I shake my head no. "I'm not going to move my hand until you do."
To bad he is so tall, I'm perfect hight. I took my fist, and slammed it. He moved his hands so he could hold himself. He was on his knees in pain. "Sorry did I hurt your micro dick?"
His voice was a little higher then normal. "Not cool."
"Well I feel better now. Oh, also come to court tomorrow. We need you to testify."
It took him a second, but he finally stood back up. "New rule. I wouldn't trick you, and you don't punch me there."
"But I can kick you there?"
"New rule. Don't touch me there if you plan to inflict pain."
"Trust me, I don't plan to touch your junk ever again."
"Also, I don't need to say this, but micro is not even close to my size."
"Gross. Take your nano dick elsewhere."
"It's dark now, and I haven't even gotten you home yet."
"I don't need you knowing where I live."
"I'm a hero. I'm not going to rob you."
"Fine, but it's just a few more blocks."
The rest of the walk was silent. Mostly because I didn't have anything else to say to him. Once we got outside my apartment building. I stopped him. "This is as far as you may go."
"I could walk you to your door."
"Nope. I don't need the Neighbors thinking your with me."
"Ouch. My feelings."
"Sorry." I pushed PoodeeToodee inside the lobby. The door closed behind us. I look down at her. "Can you make it upstairs without him?" She looked at me, then started walking.

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