A Fraud Named Lockhart

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In a dark, atmospheric wasteland with dead trees in the background, A group of cloaked figures are gathered in a semi-circle around a hooded wizard. The mysterious wizard stands idle as a snake-liked man steps forward with his wand.

"Ah...Aidoneus. How good of you to join us." He hisses as he begins to circle around Y/N's father.

"I sure hope you make the right decision tonight. I tried to persuade The Potters, but the "so called" light blocks their thinking. I've heard you think things more...clearly."

A crash of thunder is the only response.



"You think a prophecy means anything to someone like me? I can change fate with my mere fingernail!"


-Mavros Household-

"You see boy, someday, if the others will allow, you will sit upon a throne in the heavens. Only time will tell if you will be ready for the responsibility."


-Mount Ida-

"I had a feeling that hurting "the big wolf" would bring you out into the open. The three headed beast wasn't enough, so what made you think another would stop me?"

A gigantic wolf emerges from the smoke, staring down at a man riding his stallion...

A gigantic wolf emerges from the smoke, staring down at a man riding his stallion

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"Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?" Hermione asks with worry as she grabs his hand. Y/N immediately snaps out of his daydream and looks around.

He doesn't even remember walking into the Great Hall, sitting next to Hermione and Harry, with Lavender, Ron, And Neville across from him.

Y/N turns towards his bushy haired friend and nods.
"Y-yeah. Just spaced out for a second."

"Maybe he's hungry.." Lavender pushes her plate across the table over to Y/N. "Here, you can have some of my food."

Y/N, thinking he's maybe just hungry, attempts to grab it—but Hermione beats him to the punch and slides it back to Ms. Brown with a glare.

"He's not hungry, thank you very much."

"How would you know Granger?" Lavender fires back, not backing down.

"I happen to be his best friend, so I would know!" Hermione barks while tighten her grip on Y/N's hand.

"Well, I happen to be his..." Lavender tries to think of something. "...well we're something but we just need time to figure it out."

The Wizard Who Could (Male Reader X Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now