July 13 (1:45)

45 7 6

Jason/ Shelly/ Katie/Radom Yet Nosy Man on Bus


"This is killing me."

"Shut up! Go on mute!! She might pick-"






"Yeah - hi."

"Yeah, hey, what's up?"


"Um- good. Can we talk about yesterday?"

"What was yesterday?"

"Well, it's not only yesterday. The truth is, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while."

*Muted* "Hence the floral underwear that got us into this whole thing."

                   "Wait, what? is this something I should know?"

                  "No, dude, I don't know you."


*Muted* "Come on, Shelly...you can do this."

"Remember when we were best friends?"

"Yeah...we're not besties anymore?"

"That's the thing. You just say these things to me sometimes, and yesterday, by that party, when Harry was treating me like that, you were right there-"

*Muted* "Harry??? What?!"

"-Wait, are you seriously going to blame me for that?"

"I'm not blaming you for Harry hitting me up- I'm blaming you for standing there and filming the whole thing and laughing your head off!"

*Muted* "???!!!!!" 

"Bro! It was funny!!"

"Not to me."

*Muted* "Not. Funny. Not. Funny. At ALL."

                   "Calm down, son." 

"Shelly, what?"

"Listen, its not okay when you're not there for me when I need you, and when you dump me and then just act like nothing happened-"

"What? Actually? You think you know everything? You think you're totally guilt-free? You gave a guy my number, girlfriend!"


*Muted* "Uh oh."

                   "Ohhhhh. Were you that guy?" 

                   "Shut up. Please."

"Okay, you think you're the best friend ever and I'm the worst, but you're talking to this forbidden love guy, who, by the way, hits me up."

"I don't!"


"Jason! What are you doing? Get back on mute!"

"Oh my god, thats him! That's his voice! What??? He was there the whole time?!"

"Shelly, I don't hit her up!"

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