Shattered 💔

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Perfection on the surface, hiding what's real inside
Broken from the roots, covered by the shade
Some nights I feel all broken, not knowing where to start
The healing process is difficult, when not knowing what's wrong

Feelings of being trapped inside yet seem so free
Like a bird in a cage, I need to flee
It doesn't matter what I have, all that matters is what I need
Freedom, that's the desire, what i need
From myself, the mental cage i created

All that I've hidden has reached its limit
All that I mentally trapped is ready to burst
I cannot do this anymore, yet I stand
The piece of strength I have is what holds me down
To save myself before I drown

The dream to exist in another world
A different reality of pure happiness
Instead I'm living in a world
Where I need to create different faces
One true face is who I buried
Leaving her trapped and shattered, while I perfect my shine

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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