Chapter 30

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"Here you go," Liam smiles handing peach tea over to me. So this is what he claims is better than aspirin. My phone beeps catching my attention.

From Sutton;
Are you okay?

I glance at Liam who is staring at me. Good question Sutton. Am I okay?

To Sutton;
Don't worry about me. Will be back late.

I send the message to her before putting my phone aside. "I really don't have an excuse for what I did," Liam mumbles taking a seat by me. "But I'm so sorry. What was I even thinking? You're right. I am the one who asked you and I am the same person who went ahead to have sex with someone else,"

So they did have sex.

"What's your body count?" I ask. There's a long silence. "Trust me, you don't want to know," he mumbles scratching the back of his head. Why did I even ask. I hand the mug over to him and he goes to put it in the kitchen before coming back to his previous position. I rest my head on his lap feeling tired.

"I do want to be your girlfriend," I blurt out. He starts to massage my head to help reduce the pain. "I've ruined all my chances now haven't I?" Probably. "You know that feeling you get when you hate someone because of how they make you feel?" I ask him. "Yeah..." "That's how I feel about you," I sigh. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" "I honestly don't know. Let's take it as a good thing,"

"The question that I kept asking myself was why me? Why does Liam Dixon want me to be his girlfriend?" I don't expect him to answer but I'll appreciate it if he does. "There's just something about you that I'm so attracted to. It's like every time I'm around you, I just want to be with you in that moment. Not just erotic but there's this feeling of excitement, nervousness,pleasure. It's crazy. It's that feeling that I've never felt for any woman in a long time. Sometimes I hate it and I try to push it back but I just can't fight it," he tries to explain still massaging my head.

We stay quiet for sometime.

"Kat?" Liam calls out my name and stops massaging my head. I sit up so I can face him. "This boyfriend, girlfriend relationship thing," he starts and I scoot closer to him staring at his perfect face.

Sharp jaw

Green eyes

Arched eyebrows

Perfect, pink lips

I cup his cheeks and bite my lip. "Let's make it work," I say. He presses his forehead against mine before saying, "You stole my words," I place a small kiss on his lips before climbing on top of him. "Please stay tonight," he begs and I nod immediately. He carries me to his room and puts me on the bed gently like I'm fragile. He turns on his heel to walk away but I grab his hand.

"What do I have to do as a girlfriend?" He chuckles at my silly question. "I'm also new to this boyfriend thing-" he is? What about Blair. "But we need to love each other of course and most importantly trust," he says in between kisses. "Trust," he repeats.


I guess besides love that's the second most important word in a relationship. "And you can break my heart into a million pieces but I'll still choose you," he adds before placing a small kiss on my forehead. "You're burning up. How's your headache?" Pure concern floods his face. "It'll get better," I shrug. "I'm just tired," Now I'm trying my best to keep my eyes open.

"I'll leave you to sleep then," he walks over to the other end where the couch is. I shut my eyes, trying to process everything.

Am I his girlfriend now?

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