"Who r they" me and Cohen asked at the same time. "This is my little brother and little sister, Kishaun and Shanie." "Aye little sis wassgood" alvaro yelled as the rest started to get up. "uh hi?" I saw unsure of whats happening. I looked at the trio and nodded. We said hi to them cus Derek wouldnt stop giving me that look and then me and the trio went to my room. "Still dont like talking to people?" Cohen asked I just looked at him and shook my head no. "Let watch a movie, yea?" Jiggy said. "Dude its almost 12." I said letting him know of the time. "So?" "ion sleep that late" "Ok fine but tomorrow were gonna go to the park." "Ight" "Since when has Jiggy become so bossy" When i said that Jiggy fake gasped. "What? Me? Im not bossy" "Dude what yes u r right cohen" He just shook his head yes and Jiggy...lost his shit. "I AM NOT BOSSY" "dude yES U R" "NO IM NOT" "ok then lets ask the boys" "OK THEN" as i was running down the stairs i was yelling. "GUYS RIGHT THAT JIGGY CAN BE BOSSY" "what no my son can not be bossy" "yes he can" and everyone started saying there options. "Hey Angelina?" Gianmarco said out of no where "yea?" "nothing but do u want to talk?" "yea kinda" "ANGIE GO TO BED" Mike yelled that ig he saw me talking to Gian... by why is it bad. "DUDE WHAT, THATS IT EVERYBODY SHUT UP" they all got quite. "me? bed?" "yes do u want me to carry u up like a little girl" Kobe said defending Mike. I might be annoying and sensitive and stuff but i dont let anyone disrespect me. "OH i would LOVE that, but not from u from the prince and shining armor. Wheres he?" "Just go upstairs" "no❤️" "thats it" Kobe was walking towards me so i started running honestly i dont know why ig i wanted to prove my point but i dont what what that was. Kobe was catching up to me so i made a turn and...fell for his trap Derek tackled me but the phone rang. i check my phone. "hold up i got to take this.
I have to ask sum.
Ok? Shoot
So yk ur sister?
What kinda of question is tha- y-yes ik my sister she my sister
Yeah well my friend likes her and I wanna set them up
So.. u want me to sell my sister?
What?! No where's that come from
Uhh ur said u wanted to set my sister up with someone...an-
No calm down ask her and show her a picture of him.ok?!
Ok ok calm down I'll ask her send the pictures damn.
Ok damn..oh and do u have a place to stay or..
Umm like yk
Yea no sorry ...that makes no sense
Do you have a place to stay in La
Oh yea I do y
Cus coach said that if u don't u have to stay at a hotel with the rest of the team.
Oh ok. Do u have a place to stay?
Yea I do I'm staying with my cousin hbu
I'm staying with a friend
Oh ok well I got to go.
Ok bye Cole
I was turning back to go where the boys r when someone scoped me up and was carrying me to the living room. "AH STOP PUT ME DOWN NO NONO STOP IMMA FALL" it was Kobe. He swooped me up ran and acted like he was gonna let me fall...while everyone was laughing. The evilness, the audacity. "Time to go to sleep" "WAIT WHAT NO THATS NOT FAIR U CHEATED" "how did I cheat" "uh...I-idk but u did...CAUSE I wasn't ready" "whatever night lil sis" night Kobe" he let me go and sense i was on a few stairs I went back down and kissed my brother good night(on the cheek) and hug my boys and Mattia and said bye to the rest. Cohen and Jiggy were already in my room. "Night guys" was what u said making my way to the bed. "Night Angie" "night dummy"

Life of a nonordanary girl-Gianmarco
FanfictionBeing one of Derek's little sister u meet a lot of different people so u do to. U never really have to worry about him cus of his boys(the hoodie boys) they took care of each other. They're overprotective over u and ur older sister Ahiella but it ne...