Birth Name: Beth Williams
Age: Seventeen years old
Species: She's just like her brother, a vampire. But she's fine biting a human and sucking blood. But not too much to kill them
Real Appearance: Dark brown hair with midnight blue eyes that sparkle like the stars in the midnight sky. A very light olive complex, with a black lip ring on her lower lip. She's short, but not fun sized short. She's extremely slim and slender, and has dimples on her lower lower back.
Personality Traits: Sarcastic, funny, loveable, huggable, sweet, cutiepie, creative, supportive, and outgoing
Relationship Status: Single, but is in love with tumblr and pizza
S/O|Sexual Orientation: Straight
Likes: Cuddling, netflix, pizza, tumblr, taking hot showers, fluffy blankets, hopefully gets to wear her boyfriends clothes, video games, her Nintendo
Dislikes: Forced sex, no WiFi and cheating
Extra: Beth is a major nerd, she goes to Comic Con every year and always seen playing video games on her Xbox or Nintendo