Dare 11 Evie

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From summikogurashi Thanks

Evie's Castle

Carlos: (walks into her sewing room) Evie.
Evie: Carlos. When did you get here.
Carlos: Just now and you got a dare.
Evie: Uhhh not again. What is it.
Carlos: You have to betray Mal.
Evie: How.
Carlos: How ever you like.
Evie: Ok I may have an idea.

The castle

Living room

Evie: M can I talk to you in private.
Mal: Sure.

Ben and Mal's room

Mal: What's up.
Evie: Where's Ben.
Mal: He's in a meeting. Why?
Evie: He cheated on you.
Mal: WHAT!
Evie: (takes a deep breath) With me.
Evie: I'm so sorry.
Mal: That's not good enough Evie.
Evie: We were drunk.
Mal: When was this?
Evie: Last night.
Mal: I was with him all of last night.
Evie: When you ou were asleep we both went out. At like 2am.
Mal: Evie you have to be kidding me.
Evie: Mal it was a ...
Mal: SHUT UP (looks at clock) Ben will be here in two minutes. Wanna wait for your boyfriend.
Evie: Mal it ...
Ben: (comes in) Hey Baby. Hi Evie.
Mal: (takes of her wedding and engagement rings and puts them in Ben's hand) Bye hope you two are happy.
Ben: What are you talking about. (looks at Evie) She got a dare didn't she.
Evie: No. I did.
Ben: What was it.
Evie: I had to betray Mal in some way.
Ben: What did you tell.
Evie: That you cheated on her with me.
Ben: Evie.
Evie: What.
Ben: You couldn't have done something that wouldn't make her hate me too.
Evie: I'll go tell her it was a dare but I've already tried twice. It did not work.
Ben: I got that. Let's go tell her.
Evie: Ok

Living room

Ben: Baby.
Mal: Go away.
Evie: Mal it was a dare.
Mal: What.
Ben: Tell her the whole story.
Evie: What.
Ben: What was the dare.
Evie: to betray you in someway.
Mal: And you chose to say you've been sleeping with my husband.
Evie: Technically I never said any thing about sleeping together.
Ben: Evie your not making it any better.
Evie: Ok

Thanks for the dare please comment more ideas I would love some truths but dares would be good too.

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