Chapter 5: New Family

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The next day I was sitting at the bar eating some eggs when two figures in total black gear came into the room. I did not have enough time to react before I got hit with a sedation dart and blacked out.

(Time skip)

I woke up in a room surrounded by everything in spy school except for a larger quantity. The same two figures came into the room with surprised expressions. I just realized that they did not have their ski masks on. There was an older man and a very pretty girl there. "Who are you?!" I asked, genuinely pissed. "I know that he has never met me but it still hurts that he does not see that we are related." the elderly one said to the younger one. She nodded in response. "Ben we are your family. I am your cousin Lily and this is your grandfather Stuart." I was shocked again for the 1893864888946892374th time in three days.(Remember he is very good at math). "We are involved in your current mission." my grandfather said. "Yes, now we are going to train you how to use a gun, use self defense against spies and not only muggers, and we are going to teach you how to be an even more successful spy than you already are." my cousin said. "I am ready." I said with eagerness sense I am not that good at hand to hand combat or shooting. She was surprised by this and said "Alright, lets see what you got."

(Time Skip)

After a few days of hard gun training and combat training with my relatives I had become even better than Lily who was better than Erica by a very slim margin. "So, Lily, can I go see Erica now? She is probably worried sick and very sad." I asked hopefully "Fine. But, you have to let us into the plan with you guys." she countered "Alright, I will try." Me and Lily got to the door and I knocked on it. Erica came to the door and opened it. She had a look of relief, surprise, hurt, and sadness for some reason. When she started to close the door I stopped it and said to Lily "Lil, could you give us a moment?" she hesitated but acknowledged and left. I walked into the room and Erica started crying instantly. "Hey, hey, hey, what is wrong?" I asked, scared. "I was so worried you were dead and when you get here you show up with some beautiful girl and you expect me to be fine with that?!" she asked, starting to get mad. "Erica. You do not have to be worried about Lily." I said, trying to calm her down "Why not." she asked, getting confused. "She is my cousin." her gaze suddenly softened and she kissed me for about ten seconds. "I am sorry for worrying you but I want you to know that it was not my choice. I was staying in a house with a location unknown to me and I was not let out of the house anyway." She looked at me shocked "How are you? What did you do there? Did they do anything to you?" "Hey, hey, I will answer all of your questions but first you need to calm down." I told her. She looked at me then snuggled up against me. "What did you do there?" she asked and I explained everything from the point that they knocked me out to the point that I got to the door. "So how good are you now?" she asked curiously. "Why don't we see?"

(Time Skip)

Erica POV
We squared up to fight (Ben was dressed in full black clothes) when Zoe and Mike walked in. They were shocked to see Ben and then even more shocked to see us about to fight. Ben suddenly charged at me and fake punched to my left and went for my head. I suspected this and went in for the attack on his stomach. He had improved a surprising amount since I had last seen him fight. He was actually able to beat me. When we were finished everybody including grandpa and Lily had found their way to us and were looking at Ben in shock. "Who are you?" Grandpa asked with a small amount of fear in his voice. "Only Lily knows who I am besides for Erica. Would you like to know?" and everybody answered simultaneously "Yes!" I yanked off his mask and everybody gasped not believing it. Unsurprisingly, grandad suddenly charged at Ben with anger in his eyes.

Cyrus charged at me and prepared to attack. But, sadly for him I remembered a move that Lily taught me which allows you to launch someone 500 pounds across the room with one punch. He was unprepared for this and was suddenly on the other side of the room unconscious. Now even Erica had her eyes as big as cannon balls. "How did you do that?" Mike asked and I shrugged. "No! I want an answer! You have been gone for the past few days, at least you could tell me how you did that." I found this reasonable and told him and everybody else the entire story with Lily's approval. When I finished I left with Erica without another word. And we went to bed soon after. I thought to myself about all of the things that me and Erica had gone through.

*Begin flashback*

"Hello Erica. What is going on?" she was crying in the corner of the room. "I am worried about you. You are going on a mission without me. I won't be able to help you in any way, shape, or form. You are not going to have any of us." she rambled glassy-eyed. "I will be ok. I love you" I said and left for my plane.

*End Flashback*

Sorry for the short chapter. I will update later.

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