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6th January 2017


"Why can't you just be normal when I'm with my friends?" Michael cockily asks, putting his chest like a wannabe roadman.

"I'm glad you haven't lost the ability to speak standard English," I remark trying to hide my sadness, whilst walking up the stairs looking away from him.

A glance of his eyes show a growing passion take root like that of a tree, a shadow cast by his E/C eyes showing where it would fall.

"See, you act up when I ask you simple questions," He says perking his head and chest up.

What the fuck happened to him in 6 Weeks to lead to this?

I sigh looking behind him to see Tyler's blue eyes looking at with concern softening his face.

Then I see Michael's 'friends' come up the staircase looking at me with dirty faces.

They should stop doing that they'll get wrinkles.

Not like they care about their skin, it's so dry you could play Noughts and Crosses on it with your nail.

"I wasn't 'acting up', I just asked you a question,"

Tyler's look of concern grows deeper to a woe some face as his 'friends' come up beside me and start shoving me.

What did I ever do to them? Like what exist?

oh, fuck off. The one that broke someone's leg.

I abruptly get thrown onto the floor and almost hit my head because of the weight of books in my bag, Tyler quickly dashes past the crowd to me.

Is he playing Knight In Shining Armour now?

"Why did you do that? What did he ever do to you?" The blue-eyed boy fights back pushing him back as they all back off sniggering.

He puts out a hand and I take it helping myself up, I brush myself off and look at them with disgust.

"Oh, you two are like that?" Michael sniggers out through a dirty face backing away.

"Like what?" I ask in confusion.

"Two fa-," I slap him sending the sound echoing through the hallways.

"I am sick and tired of you. You little shit. Ever since you made a few friends since the beginning of this year. Get A Life. You disgusting little bitch. I am disgusted to call you my brother," I shout out after sending him back with the strike. I see the innocence that once was return to his eyes.

My breathing picks up as I start panicking I flail my arms around and run off pushing myself out from the crowd to a place no one knows of to get away from everyone.

I drop down and continue panicking my breathing getting faster and faster.

I put my hands over my mouth rocking back and forth.

"He's just doing because that's what everyone's like. He never really meant to say that did he?" I say panicking.

My breath getting too fast to catch up to. My head getting dreary and light.

I blackout and feel my entire body give out.

26th July 2020


"Tom... I love moments like these with no worries in the world, like living in the moment," I slowly and calmly say. My head on his chest looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, sweet, peaceful moments like these are the best," He agrees starting to play with my hair.

"Living in the moment..."

"You're a lot calmer now. Wanna say something about why your tone was all over the place when you called your brother?" Tom softly asks continuing to play with my hair, looking at me focusing on my eyes.

"Okay, just he's so unpredictable. Like and was so cruel and callous to me at one point but I still cared deeply about him," I explain staring to fidget with my fingers.

"How did you care for him?"

"How? I would always help him with his homework, pick him up if he did something dumb, pick him up to bed when he came home late, cooked for him, Spent hours with him. I did what a parent should've," I summarise turning to look to Tom. He looks at me with care in his eyes.

"So, you cared for him? And I guess he abused it,"

"Yes, he did. But it didn't change," I respond trying to stop myself from tearing up.

"Wow, was there anyone there for you?"

"I-... Yeah... But I don't wanna remember them," I lie through my teeth, closing my eyes accidentally forcing a tear out, feeling it slide down my cheek, I drift off to sleep.

But I wonder how did that day end?

6th January 2017


Looking over the corner of the wall I see someone almost asleep looking and walk over to them.

I look over at their face and see Y/N's.

He was here?

I guess it is secluded from the rest of the school yet still on the premises.

I check his breathing and pulse.

He's just unconscious.

I think I should tell someone-

I hear the final bell go, it's been an hour. He missed RE the lesson he hates.

I should put him in a more comfortable position.

30 Minutes Later

I picked him up and carried him home. Not to his but mine.

I think it's best if he and his brother are apart.

Did a panic attack really make him pass out?

Slowly laying him on my bed, I get him comfortable then take find a book to read from the mini-library I made for myself and go back to the living room where I begin to drift off in a Utopic world.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now