It was a rainy day....I was sitting on my own and well.....they showed... We were only seven at the time and Cleo, out of no where, came and sat next to me, I had never talked to anyone before I met them, they made me laugh and when they were to cry so would I.
It was our first prom, and we took it very seriously.
Nikki, because her family had quite a bit of Money, she managed to buy us all gorgeous dresses. It was only a year six goodbye prom, so not a proper one, but we went in holding hands and told each other to take deep breaths.They went off to get there photos taken, and I chose to get a drink. But as I finished the last of my drink, A guy came up to me! He was from our year at the time and I remember seeing him in one of my classes. He came up to me and said " oh umm hey.... wanna dance? " he looked nervous, and so did I. I bushed and didn't say anything, but then I don't know what came over me but I nodded!
He pulled me over to the dance floor, and I went to reach out for him, but then..... SPLAT!!! A bucket of punch flashed over me!!! I looked at they guy and he was laughing his ass off!!!! "Gochya!!!" he yelled while still laughing, I started pouring my eyes out with tears! My friends rushed over and shouted " OH MY GOSH!!! How could you!!!" The guy finally stopped laughing, wiped his tears of joy then said ,"oh umm it wasn't my idea.... It was her's." He pointed over at this girl who had the most fanciest dress you would ever see. It was Sabrina! Ever since that day I thought I would never love a boy again.....and me and Sabrina, well.... We stayed enemies... Forever!

lost love
Teen FictionSomeone who lost their parents and now can't find love, then suddenly start to feel like no one could ever love them, slowly they is all around them.