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"Unnie!!! Chaeng!!!"

That's Jennie... she gets hype the moment I wake her up earlier. It's almost lunch time because of the heavy traffic but here she is still full of energy and excitement.

I am just following her behind while roaming the living room and the kitchen.

"Where are they? Still sleeping?" Jennie asked.

"Maybe..." I answered.

"Nah! We need to go to Neri Unnie today, we have vocal rehearsal."

Jennie go straight to I don't know whose room she enter first. I helplessly dropped myself of our couch and deeply close my eyes. I should be happy now... my dream girl proposed to me hours ago but I hate myself for acting like this because everytime her phone got notification my head automatically turn to look if it was the unknown number again... earlier  when I went back from the comfort room and heard her talking over the phone I can't help but to evesdropped of what are they talking about...

I feel so paranoid!

And those are the things that I am not usually doing since before. This is not so me... that's why I hate myself for being like this today.

What's wrong with me?!

I fish Jennie's phone on my pocket when I feel it vibrates pertaining that she get another notification. I tried to open it but she put a password now. Last night, I can still use her phone whenever I pleased but now its not.


My mind start to battle on the thoughts that keeps on bothering me..

Is this new message comes from that unknown number again?

Who's this damn person?

Is this Kai!??

What are they talking about??

But if its him, how did he knew that we're engaged now??? Even Jisoo Unnie and Chaeng doesn't have any idea yet.

I look at her phone's screen again...

1 New Message

Why do you have to make me think like this, Hon?

"YES, UNNIE WE'RE ENGAGED NOW!!!! AaaaAaahHhhh!!!!"

I heard Jennie shouts and base from that she's at Jichuu's bedroom. I smile after hearing it. A genuine smile...

Jennie loves me... y-yeah... and that's for sure so I shouldn't doubt her. I must give my trust to her  at all cost.

Standing up from my seat, I walk towards the whole size mirror at the corner and stare at myself.

"Its nothing Lisa... You love her and she absolutely loves you too." I said to myself and raise my hand to look at the shinning diamond ring on my finger. ".... this ring is the proof."

"Hey... do you like it?" I got startle when a pair of hands enveloped my body and the sound of her innocent voice... I know it's Jennie.

"Ofcourse I do. Sooooo much!" I said and turn around in her arms to look at her. I saw her smiling from ear to ear and the visible blush on her mandu cheeks makes her even cuter.

"You are really happy today, Hon. You didn't stop smiling since we woke up."

"Then tell me how can I stop myself because believe me... my lips are naturally form into a curve of smile on my face whenever I realize that you are my fiancee' now."


My heart beats so fast but I just smile at her and stare at her brown eyes. A few moment of staring at her and she breaks it.

"What are you thinking, Lili? You seems so pre occuppied since we left your condo. Are you not feeling well, huh?"

Jennie put her hand on my forehead to check if I am okay as well on my neck so I catch her hand and stop her..

"I'm okay... maybe I am just tired because of the  traffic, can you join me to sleep? I know your sleep earlier isn't enough."

"Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah... let's go?" I offered my hand to her and she gladly accepted it. We both walk towards my bedroom and shut the door as we get in.

I go near my closet and search for the comfortable shirts for us. I picked my two plain white shirt--- one is in normal size for her and the other one is oversize for me.

"Here, Honey.. change your clothes." I am handing her the shirt but she refuse it.

"It's okay, Hon. I'll just get my clothes on my room I'll be back after---"

"No stay."


I take a deep breathe and put back the shirt on my closet.

"O-Okay... if that's what you want. Go.."

"Honey, you are not okay. What's wrong? Tell me..." she cupped my face using her right hand and hold my arm using the other.


"Now you are calling me Jennie. Hon, whats wrong?" Jennie asked while I keep my silence.

"Hon..." she called me with a lower voice. "I cannot help you with what's the matter if you wouldn't tell me."

"Then who is it?" I asked straightforwardly.

"What do you mean who is it?" Jennie said but her reaction change. I can sense the nervousness on her breathing.

"W-Who keeps on t-texting you?" I fixed my eyes on her and she's the one now who couldn't maintain my stares.

"Honey... I am not angry, just be honest with me, will you? W-Who it is?" I asked again but she's too silent to answer.

She take two steps backward, lowering down her head that makes me feel annoyed.

Why can't you just said it, Jennie??? Will you really let me die in thinking who the hell is that fucking person??!!

"J-Jennie what's the matter?! why you couldn't tell it to me?! I am not just nobody to you! I am your girlfriend, we're in a relationship! I am not requiring you to report  EVERYTHING that is happening in your life but this time I knew there's something else that I need to know and in case you forgot, Jennie. I have the right to know!"

It's not my intention to raise my voice but seeing how Jennie reacts on me I know she doesn't have any plan to tell it to me and that's what I hate it about.

"H-Honey I want to t-tell it to y-you but---" I cut her off.

"Damn that buts!! I wanna know the truth!" I shout and slam my hand on the door of my closet.

"H-Hon..." Jennie said and hold my shaking hands that are still leaning on my closet.

The feeling of her soft hands caressing my skin makes the beast inside of me gets tamed already... damn!

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