Chapter 1

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My mom was double checking if I had everything, I needed for my 6th year at Hogwarts. We were standing at the platform 9 ¾ at the King's Cross station and I zoned out while she was talking to me.

"Y/n, are you listening?" said my mom in hopes to bring me back to reality.

I nodded, and she continued talking. I was thinking about all my friends and past crushes, wondering what the upcoming school year would be like. I haven't seen anyone the whole summer, they all must've changed, I know I've changed.

"Okay mom it's time to go or I'll miss the train, please don't cry or I'm going to cry too, you know I'm going to be back soon enough"

Goodbyes were always hard for us, because after all we only had each other. My dad left mom when I was six and moved to US, and even thought we kept in touch it wasn't the same. I don't display my emotions on public, that's why we couldn't cry in the middle of crowded train station. I left her, and entered the train looking for Angelina or just empty space to sit. I finally found her sitting with Fred, George and Lee, so I joined them. I knew them but we never talked much, they seemed like fun guys but always caught up in their mischief. I always thought we should talk more but it was impossible, while being in Angelina's shadow.

"Omg! Hi! I missed you so much! Wow look at you! You look great!" said Angelina

She run to me as soon as she saw me, we started screaming and laughing and hugging, meanwhile the boys looked at us like we were crazy.

"Thanks Ang, I missed you too"

We finally sat down, and I was sitting right in front of the twins; they looked at me and smirked and then looked at each other. I wonder what was that about.

"So Y/n, are you trying out for the Quidditch team this year?" asked Angelina.

"Oh yeah, I was preparing the whole summer, all I did this summer was preparing and working out"

"Good, you definitely look in shape"

I worked out so hard all summer mainly because I was bored and because I was trying to prove everyone, I could get into Quidditch team if I wanted to.

We were on the train for a while now, and the twins were staring at me more than usual and I started to get suspicious. Maybe they were planning to prank me something, I needed to be prepared for that for sure, or better prank them first.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" we heard the back of the train.

"Wait did she miss us?" indignantly said Lee.

"She won't miss me that for certain" said Angelina grabbing money and sprinting out of her seat.

Lee followed her as fast as he could, but after all he wasn't a seeker, but he sure did like to chase her. And just like that in a blink of an eye it was just me and the twins. They were sitting, and just looking at me, and I was wondering why they didn't follow Lee and Angelina. I began to feel uncomfortable but then I couldn't say a word either. Fred was eyeing me from head to toe, stopping his gaze on my legs for a moment, which were revealed by my skirt. I swallowed. After 5 minutes of silence, they whispered something to each other and turned to me, their faces lit up with a smile and a spark in their eyes.

"We think you're gorgeous and really pretty" said Fred.

I certainly did not expect that. My eyes widened and I smiled and almost giggled, they really caught me by surprise. Not that I had anything to say, but I didn't get a chance to, because Angelina and Lee came back. Fred and George quickly stood up and left, probably to catch up with the trolley.

"What are these two up to?" said Angelina.

I shrugged. I had no idea.

...Do you, princess? /Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now