Chapter 10

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I was actually curious; I have never been in Slytherin's common room, so I just followed him. After all, Freddie was with Angelina, and who knows what they were doing at this exact moment. When Draco and I passed the castle corridors, we saw a lot of couples kissing in the dark corners, some were kicked out by Snape out of the broom closets.

 The Slytherin common room was just like I imagined it but more. Big dark and very cold, high ceilings, empty leather couches,, and a cold fireplace. I was about to sit down on one of the couches when he shook his handed and led me up further, up the spiral staircase. Draco took my hand, and we entered his room which was surprisingly empty. He sat on his bed and tapped on it inviting me to join him. It was unusually quiet comparing to the Great Hall, we still were in the same costumes but now all alone. He gently pulled back my hair from one of the shoulders and began to kiss it, slowly going up to my neck. I didn't push him, but I didn't do anything else either. He finally reached my face and stopped, took my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes. Then he kissed me, and for me it was the chance to realize whether I wanted him or not. I realized I didn't want any of it when he tried to unzip my dress.

"Sorry Draco, it's not going to happen"

"Wait, are you sure?"


"Come on, you are already here, come back,"

I guess he wasn't used to rejection, but I was already out the door. I should've known better than going into that room with Draco, but I did not expect him to be so... straightforward.

By the time I got to the Gryffindor common room, the party was over and everyone already got back to their dorms. I didn't expect to see anyone on my way back but the universe has a strange way of working.

 I saw Fred on the couch near the fireplace sleeping with his arms crossed on his chest, frowning in his sleep. I decided to avoid coming closer to him so I won't wake him up. I proceeded to the stairs quietly. That's when he decided to wake up.

"Where were you?"

"Oh god, Fred you scared me, what are you doing here?"

"Ginny said you didn't get back from the Yule Ball, and Hermione didn't see you either. I thought you got n trouble with that git, so I decided to wait here for you, to make sure you got back safely"

"Oh," all I could say.

"Have you been with him all this time? You don't know him at all," he said lowering his voice.

I took a deep breath.

"Look I'm tired Fred, of all of this, I am tired of fighting with you, it looks like I've lost anyways. It's over. Plus, you have other people to worry about."

"Like who?"


I let a slight chuckle.

"I don't worry about her."

"It's none of my business, good night Freddie"

...Do you, princess? /Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now