Chapter 2

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Y/n wakes up in the hospital wing with Harry beside the bed.

Y/n : Harry? What happened?

Harry : Sis! I'm glad you're okay. Hermione found you fainted in the girl's restroom. How did you faint in there?

Y/n : I was panicking because Pansy and Daphne lock me in the cubicle. You know I panic when in small spaces. I guess I've been screaming until I fainted.

Harry : I'll tell this to professor McGonagall. I'm just glad you're alright.

Draco walks in in his gryffindor uniform.

Draco : Y/n! You're awake! What happened?

Harry : Pansy and Daphne. They did this to her.

Draco : I just got out of transfiguration class. By the way Harry professor McGonagall wants to see you in her office after school.

Harry : About?

Draco : Don't know.

Harry walks out leaving to go back to his class schedule.

Draco : You look pale here. Ron sneaked some food out from the great hall after lunch. I took some for you.

Y/n eats the food a lot because of hunger since dinner last night and Draco hands you the water from the side bed of you.

Y/n : What did I miss today?

Draco : Not much exactly. Just flying broomsticks around.

Y/n : Really? That's fun. Wish I was there.

Draco : Hermione already told Madam Hooch about what happened to you. She said after you feel better she will teach you on Saturday. So you can have the whole morning to practice with her.

Y/n : I'm looking forward to it.

Draco : Oh and Goyle make fun of Neville for landing on his ass. He accidentally flew almost 10 feet of the ground. He is alright. After few bandages he's now resting in the common room.

Y/n : That's horrible. Poor Neville.

Draco : He dropped his remembrall.

Y/n : What's that?

Draco : Oh it's like this small ball that turns red when you forgot something. Anyways let me continue. Harry told Crabbe and Goyle to give it back then they both flew playing catch up at the sky. Harry and I then fly on our broomstick as well chasing them and try to catch it. You should have seen it. Until professor McGonagall caught us so we stopped and went to the next class.

Y/n : I've missed all of that because I fainted. Great.

Draco : Come on don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Pansy and Daphne are the ones to blame not you. Here have some sweets. Harry said it makes you feel better.

Y/n took some sweets and shares with Draco. He then do his homework in front of you while explaining it what have you missed.

Madam Pomfrey : Dear you can go now. Don't forget to drink plenty of water and always be sure you are with someone.

Y/n : Thank you madam Pomfrey.

Draco : Thanks. I'll help you get back to the Gryffindor tower.

Y/n : But it's after school you and Harry supposed to meet professor McGonagall. I bet must be a punishment.

Draco : For helping a friend? Ugh I hope not.

Y/n : Oh there's Hermione. Maybe she can help me.

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