Endgame is over, the avengers win the battle. now they are resting after their fierce fight with Thanos. Tony invited the avengers and others to the avengers tower.
When Peter arrives at the avengers tower he finds something that will change his pe...
"I know everyone Will like the kid" said Tony smiling
"No one disagree with you tones" said Rhodey
"Mr. Stark?" call someone from behind
Peter's POV
I was lying on my bed. Mr. Stark made this room because sometimes I overslept when I came here. I've tried to reject it but Mr. Stark insisted. Honestly this is too much for me, but there's nothing I can do
Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
(pretty much like this)
I'm really exhausted. "This is what you get for doing movie marathon" I mumbled
"I don't think it's a good idea to tell them about 'Far From Home.' Maybe I should just tell a movie that happened past," I muttered in a tired tone. Slowly i closed my eyes. It felt like I just closed my eyes when I heard
"WHO THE HELL IS FISK"shouted someone from downstairs. I guessed it was Sam. I took my pillow and covered my ears with it, hoping the sound would disappear or at least reduced. For the first time God listened to my wishes. After managed to find peace, I closed my eyes and go to sleep.
"That's dangerous!"
"Really Steve?!"
Steve and Bucky shouted from downstairs. "You must be kidding me" I muttered. 'They sounds like the old couple I used to meet on the street,' I thought, chuckling. I closed my eyes again. Not long after that, darkness filled with serenity embraced me.
"You're embarrassing yourself!"
"1 hour is all I ask, 1 HOUR!" I shouted with the pillow covering my face so that no one could hear it. Even though I want to sleep I don't want to interfere with other pleasures.
"Surprise Motherfucker!"
I stared blankly at the ceiling and said "Welp there goes my will to sleep. Its not like I have the will to live tho" I chuckled remembering Mr. Stark that used to scream when I said that. Deciding that I can't sleep anymore, I get up, take a shower and open my closet which is more like a room full of clothes. What's the name again? walk in closet? I circled the room looking for suitable clothes
Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
"I told him not to buy me clothes again. But I can see this place getting fuller" I muttered. I took the clothes that caught my eye.
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I saw myself in the mirror and said "I'm not god of fashion but I like this one" while smiling. I walked out of my room, process to go to the- 'wait- what's the name of the room again? Family room? Play room? TV room? The gathering room?' I thought. "Living room sounds right" I said as I continued walking.
"Hello Peter" said F.R.I.D.A.Y. which made me jump in surprise.
"Hey F.R.I.!"
"I see you still don't get enough sleep," she continued
"Yeah, they're noisy as hell. But no problem. Sleep is for the weak! " I said, smiling broadly. I got into the elevator and F.R.I.D.A.Y. take me to the living room.
"I believe you forgot that your room has soundproof mode from outside or inside the Pete" said F.R.I.D.A.Y. suddenly everything fell silent
"Can you mute this elevator F.R.I.D.A.Y.? thank you! " I said. F.R.I.D.A.Y. didn't answer but I know that she has muted the elevator. Instantly I screamed
"FUCK !!!!" then I reached the floor where the living room was and exited the elevator smiling sweetly
"I know everyone will like the kid" I heard Mr. Stark speaking
"No one disagree with you Tones" answered Uncle Rhodey. Nobody noticed I arrived, which makes me rather proud, knowing that there are 4 great spies here. I decided to call Mr. Stark
"Mr. Stark? " I said. Instantly, everyone turned their heads
"Wassup Pete!" said Shuri
"Yo!" said Harley
"Hey!" "Morning" "hello" "hi" "moning sunshine" "hey peteyboo" "morning kid" "hm" "hey pete" "aww you look cute!" "Have you slept enough?" "Good, you wake up" "morning cinnamon roll!" "Nice clothes" "morning" they said together. I'm swear someone's calling me by a strange nickname
3rd person POV
"Finally get a nice sleep?" Tony asked, patting the empty space next to him
"Of course! I heard a melodious screams that made me sleepy. It's soooo beautiful. To the point I can't close my eyes," said Peter, full of sarcasm. Then he walk up and sit next to Tony
"Told you," said Tony, Pepper, and Rhodey together
Word "sorry" echoed in the room
"No problem. I also forgot that I can make my room soundproof," said Peter
"Petey pie!" called Harley who made Peter turn his head.
"Wanna play?" he asked, pointing the controller at Harley
"Well, I'm sure Groot still hasn't got a chance to play. I haven't heard you and Groot shouting for the controller," said Peter with a little laugh.