I woke up early today because it's Friday and as it is, we have to go to the assembly and I don't wanna miss it for the world.
"Good morning Momma, Good morning Papa" I say and kiss them both on the cheeks.
"Morning darling" they answer in unison.
I walk across the table and sit beside my sister.
"Morning Sis" I greet her. "Morning Lil sis, how was your night?" she asks.
"It was fine" I answer.
"That's good to hear" she says while patting my shoulder. Everyone turn their attention back to the food and we all start eating.
"You're having your sleep over tomorrow right?" my father asks breaking the silence.
"Yeah, Papa" I answer.
"Papa I wanna sleep over at school for the weekend too" my sister says.
"Why dear, I thought you don't like staying at the hostel?" he asks.
"Papa our test is around the corner, so I wanna start reading with my friends and I wanna attend the tutorial classes too" she answers.
That's true.
I know that my sister is a bitch but when it comes to assessments and exams. She always excels with a flying colours. I really don't know how she does it and mess around at the same time but there is something about this sleeping over at school because she usually does that when it's almost a week to the exams and as far as I know. They're not starting until three weeks time. So I'll have to find out what's going on.
"You're right dear, good luck with your tests" he says.
"Thanks Papa" she answers happily.
"You're welcome love" he says.
"Darling will you hurry and finish your breakfast we're running late" my mom says to me.
"Ok Momma I think I'm full, let's go" I answer.
I stand up and walk to my Papa and kiss him and he kisses me too.
"Good bye dear, be a good girl to your mom" he teases.
"Kk Papa, I'll try" I say and we all laugh.
I turn to my sister and give her a questionable look and she gestures me that we'll talk later.
"Bye sis see you later" she says.
"See ya" I answer and walk out with my mom.
My mom is a lecturer in Federal College of Education (FCE), Zaria.
She's holding a morning lecture today so she's gonna drop me off at school because our school is kinda like opposite to where she works.
"Are you coming back together with Nasma today?" she asks.
"Yeah why do you ask?" I return the question to her.
"No I just thought that maybe I'll just drop by at your school and pick you up but it's ok" she says.
After a few minutes of driving, she drops me off and kiss me goodbye.
As promised, Nasma dropped by at my house around 7:30am to pick me up.
We walk out of my house together and hop on the wheels.
"Morning sir" I greet the driver.
"Morning dear, how was your night?" he asks.
"It was fine sir" I answer.
Everything is silent again and we drive off to school.
I'm a little nervous about which class they're gonna assign me but I hope I end up in the same class as my friends.
"What's bothering you?" Nasma asks.
"I'm a little worried about which class they're gonna assign me" I answer truthfully.
"Don't worry just chillax, everything's gonna be ok" she tries to comfort me.
"What's chillax?" I ask.
"Just imagine chilling and relax has a beautiful baby, It will be called chillax" she answers jovially.
"You're really funny" I reply while laughing.
I see that we're heading to school.
"What about Basma, Is she not coming with us?" I ask.
"No her nother's the one who brings her to school, we just go back home together" she answers.
"Ok I understand" I say.
We all keep quiet thinking about different things that we didn't even know that we've reached our destination.
We hop out of the car and head to the school's gate.
We walk into the school and head directly to the assembly ground.
Even though it's not really yet time for assembly but what's the harm of coming early to school. Ha!
"This assembly ground is really huge" says Zasma.
"Yeah, it's huge" I answer.
We both stay quiet for a while.
"Hey girls, how are you?" Basma calls out from behind us.
"How are you dear?" I ask.
"Fine girl, hey Zasma,why aren't you talking?" she asks her but it seems like Zasma is far away from us.
I snap my fingers in front of her face.
"Ouch! You really startled me" she says and she really does look startled.
"We've been talking to you but it seems like your mind is somewhere far away. What are you thinking about?" asks Basma.
"Nothing important" she answers briefly.
"No that's not true, It's evident that you're thinking about something or are thinking about your BF?" she asks again.
"What's a BF?" Zasma asks.
"You mean you don't know what BF is. Gosh! You're so last season" I say.
"I wanna know now and for your information, I was just transferred here from an Islamic school, so we don't know all these things" she says.
"A BF means Boyfriend or Best friend" Basma answers.
"Are you thinking about your boyfriend?" she asks again.
"What! Zasma that doesn't even watch romantic movies and you're asking her about a boyfriend, well the answer is no" I answer.
"Is it true, Zasma?" she asks.
"Apparently yes" she answers.
"Come on girl, you gotta loosen up and have some fun" she says while patting her shoulder.
"I guess I'll try" she says.
"Now that's better, we'll start from Saturday night during the sleep over" she says.
"Uhmm you're coming, right?" she asks.
"Of course she is, she wouldn't miss it for the world or someone will get in trouble with their mom, am I right?" I say while eying her.
"Yeah, I'll definitely come or someone will get me in trouble" she answers while looking at me.
"It's almost time for the assembly so let's join the line" Basma says.
"Will you join us Zasma since you haven't been assigned to a class yet?" she asks.
"No I'm fine really, I'll just wait in the Administrative Building" she says.
"You should really join us, I assure you you'll enjoy it" I say.
"Uhmm I'll rather just stay here" she insists.
"Ok if you insist but don't say we hadn't invited you if you regretted it later" Basma says Mockingly.
"I'm sure I won't regret it, now hurry up before you ruin your perfect attendance" she says and we all laugh in unison.
Gosh! I really do love these two people. The way they're acting seems as if they knew each other for ages now not just only yesterday.
"Yeah off we go right now" I say.
We turn and leave while Zasma walks over to the administrative building which is not far from where we just stood.
We walk over and join the line of SSS 1 B, which is our class. I mean Basma and I and I really do hope that Zasma ends up in our class too.
"Attention everyone keep quiet, we're going to sing the National Anthem now so respect your country at least" our principal shouts out.
After the National Anthem, the assembly begin and I know it will end in forever.

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The Sacred Friendship
RomanceYou said that nothing can get in the way of our friendship, what happened to that now?" Zasma asks her friends. They've been best friends since their senior year. Their friendship was put to test since the appearance of these two guys, Shahid and M...