It was over. The Christmas holidays were over and it was that first day back at school. It was a new year. 'New year, New start' I thought, as did plenty of other students.
Okay, let me start off. My name is Faye. I hate my name. I live in the UK, and it's my last year in school. Well, we only had half of the year left until we finished.
I groaned and turned off my alarm which I had been dreading the sound of since the holidays started. Since I live in the UK, we have to wear stupid school uniform and look like plebs.
I fell out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I hated what I saw in the mirror. But I pushed away my thoughts of myself and got in the shower, which helped me wake up.
Once I finished, I brushed my teeth, I dried and straightened my blonde highlighted hair, because let's face it, I'm no good with curlers, and put on a touch of mascara. I packed my books in my bag and and headed downstairs.
"Morning mum!" I tried sounding as enthusiastic as possible.
"Hi darling," she sung as she was also getting ready to leave for work.
I took a chocolate bar from the 'crap' cupboard and headed off for school. Who has time for breakfast these days?
Anyway, I drove to school and picked my friends Emma and Sophie up on the way. It was bloody freezing outside. After a quick drive, I parked the car and we chatted for a minute or so. The bell then sounded and let us know that first lesson of torture started. Biology. I hated biology. Although I would class myself as a bright student, I really hated sciences, but I needed them considering I want to become a vet when I'm older.
"So, did you hear? There's apparently a teacher exchange process in tho school, and apparently the new Biology teacher is Irish!" Sophie said to me as we walked to our first lessons although she wasnt in my Sciences.
"Oh, really? Well, I might just take a look!" I winked as we had to part ways. I walked into my biology class, and there he was. I wasn't expecting as much as I did, but damn, he was looking hot. I took my seat at the front of class and waited for his Irish accent to fill the room.
"Hello everyone, my names Mr. Horan, and I'm the new exchange teacher until the end of the school year, I've replaced Mr. Aires and I heard how much you all loved him-" we hated Mr. Aires. "-so I'm sorry about that,"
Gosh his voice was like music to my ears.
"Will someone hand out the books for my please?" He asked.
"I WILL," I shouted... A little too loud. Of corse I was going to help him out, I wanted to get noticed...
"-Faye, my names Faye," he smiled at me. HE FUCKING SMILED OKAY. Man that smile was sexy. Anyway, I got out the class's exercise books and handed them out.
I took my seat once I'd given out all the books. Mr. Horan started going through the register. (That's roll call for if your not from the UK) Once he'd finished with that, he went through the lesson about Animals and Food Chains. I thought it would be a good idea to pay attention, just so he knows I'm a good student.
Mr. Horan gave us a mini test before the end of the lesson. I felt confident in myself and thought I did a good job. The bell finally rang for second lesson and I collected my bag and was about to leave when I saw... That bitch. That fricking whore.
"Mr. Horan?" She flirted.
"Yes, umm, Shiobhan is it?" (Pronounced 'Shivon')
"I couldn't understand any of the lesson, and I think I did reeeaaally bad in the test," she said so innocently, but yet was so guilty.
"Well, try paying more attention in the lesson next time, if you don't improve, we'll just have a few revision sessions,"
"I'm sorry, I just got so...distracted," I watched as my eyes filled green with envy. Why was I even getting jealous anyway?
"By what?" Mr. Horan stupidly asked.
"," Mr. Horan looked at me asif to say help, well thats the message i got. Oh that's it. I can't be doing with that. All she wants to do is get in his pants.
"Um, Siobhan, you have a lesson to get to," I butted in. She stood silent and gave me a death glare. She stormed out the room leaving it just me and Mr. Horan.
"Thanks for that," he softly said.
"Oh it's ok, I can see right through her, she's the schools biggest slag,"
"Ohh, well I'll remember that then!" We both chuckled.
"Anyway, I got a lesson to get to, bye Sir," I said very cool. He smiled at me. THAT SMILE. And with that I left and headed to next lesson.
The rest of the day dragged on, but it finally finished and I got in my shitty car and headed home.
What a day that was. Ohh, and I forgot to tell you I accidentally bumped into Mr. Horan during the day...
"So what have we got now?" I asked Emma.
Oh fucking great. Just what I need. I realised I had a speaking assignment, and trust me, I hate speaking infront of people, half of which I didn't really know or like. I parted ways with Emma as she headed in a different class and I finished walking to English. Idiotically, I daydreamed about Mr. Horan and, you guessed it, I bumped into him, tripped over my own feet and fell flat on my face.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He said, but in my head it sounded really sexy. He held out his hand and I grabbed it.
He pulled my up and I got to look at those eyes. They were deep blue and glistened in the light.
"Ohh, uhh, thanks!" I broke the silence. Nobody was around, but I tried playing it cool.
"It's okay, babe," we smiled and I headed to English...
Did he just.. Call me..
'Babe'... I think I just died.
I casually walked into English and then I realised I felt blood dropping down my lip. Oh fucking great. I guess when I fell on my face, I triggered a nose bleed. Sophie came with me to the school nurse. Thank god Mr. Horan didn't see nope in this state. Although it would've been fun if he was the one to taken me down.. Haha.. Or not.
So yeah, that is how I bumped into Mr. Horan. It turns out I have him tomorrow last lesson. Woo!
Keep cool Faye.
Dont get a crush in your teacher
He's your TEACHER.
But I wonder if he feels the same..
Oh don't be silly, why would he date a student?
WOULD he date a student?
No Faye, don't get any ideas..
Too late...
Tomorrow, during free period, I will go up and see Mr. Horan and ask for help on Food Chains. I already understand them, it's just an excuse to go and see him.

The Irish Exchange Teacher
FanfictionBefore you read, you all probably know of another fanfic called 'The Teacher' and if you haven't read then do read it, it's amazing! But I just wanted you to know that that fanfic inspired me to write this one, I have NOT copied it or used any ideas...