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October 28th

I didn't know you sang.

When I walked into your apartment after my last class of the day, you were sat at the piano. To my surprise, you didn't get up or stop. Instead, you flashed me your melting smile and continued to sing.

When my feet got to you, your right hand lifted from the keys and met my hips in which you pulled me down onto your lap. "I missed you today," you told me.

My heart leaped but immediately sank. "Me too."

You were playing 'Give Me Love' so softly and melodically that I almost missed it. "You sound amazing." I remember telling you as my head leaned against your shoulder; your height making it comfortable.

"Thank you. My grandfather taught me how play when I was 10 years old. He was a huge fan of classics so it was Beethoven, Bach, Chopin and many others. I absolutely hated it but it was the only thing we bonded over."

I smiled at the mini flicks filling my head of what you may have looked like then. "I wish I could play but I'm musical unable to play an instrument without sounding like a dying cat."

You chortled, "Let me try and teach you."

You repositioned me from the side of your leg to the middle. You took each hand of mine and placed them over the keys then placed your hands over them.

Teaching me was tricky but after 45 minutes, I was able to play the intro to  'Clair De Lune' without scaring you off completely and it's probably one of my favorite memories with you.

You were so gentle with me.

Later that night, I found myself being the one on the balcony looking up at the stars. I was crying, wondering why we had met if I was just going to end up heartbroken months later.

I wouldn't change any of our time together but I'd wished it wasn't like this.

"Love," you called out. Voice deep and raspy because you'd woken up without me in bed.

"Hi," I almost whispered. Traces of sadness left on my cheeks for you to decipher what was wrong.

"I'm sorry." You spoke lightly while taking me into your arms. That triggered more tears from me. I was choking out words and you rubbed my back; soothing me.

"I love you," I revealed prematurely. I'd felt this way for a long time but never wanted to say it. At least not like this.

You held my face, tucking stray hairs behind my ears and caressing my skin. "I know you do."

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