Part seventy

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(Chloe's POV)

For the rest of the week Harley and I hung around until he had to go back home. Once he did, I sat down and called Cooper.

I wanted an explanation on the whole moving situation.

After the third ring he picked up. "Hey." He answered.

"Hi mister."

"What's up?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Not much. How about you tell me why the heck your moving?" I demanded and he laughed.

"Well apparently there are a lot of reasons." He said not giving me much to work on.

"Okay. Like what?" I asked probing for more.

"Well now that I'm sharing a room with Nate, it's kinda getting small in our room. There was also an accident with the plumbing. So that's that. And then dad's pretty sure that there are termites in the walls." He explained and I was shocked.

"Wow. Okay. First off, I can understand the whole room situation. Secondly, how come you didn't tell me you had a thing with the plumbing? And third, you have what in you walls?!" I voiced my concern.

"Yeah...I don't know why I didn't tell you. It was this whole thing. And it didn't happen very long ago. And dad thinks that it's termites." He replied.


"Yeah. You know those bugs that eat through like wood and stuff? They're crazy hard to get rid of." He told me.

"Yes Cooper. I know what termites are. So is that why your moving?" I asked concerned for their safety.

"Yeah. I think we're moving in like a month or so. And I know mom would really appreciate it if you could come help. But don't tell her I told you that." He told me.

"Well I will see what I can do. But I would love to come help."

"Cooper I need help with my toys." I heard Lila on the other end of the phone.

"I'm on the phone with Chloe right now Lila. I'll be there in a minute though. Okay?" Cooper replied.

"Really? Hi Chloe!" Lila called.

"Hi Lila!" I smiled.

"She says hi Lila. Now go away. I'll be there in a minute." Cooper told the little girl and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What do you think is so funny?" Cooper asked sounding half hurt half annoyed.

"Just be nice." I simply said.

"I am being nice!" He defended.

"Okay. I'll let you go help. I will talk to mom about it and see if I can come down and help." I told him.

Saying goodbye, I hung up and just sat there. I didn't really know what to do. Sure I should probably go ask mom about going to help them pack, but I just want in the mood.

Sighing, I picked myself up off the couch I was sitting in and walked down to the training area.

I could hear the sounds of people grunting and crashes. Looking through the glass separating me from the room full of obstacles, I could see Steve, Wanda, and Sam all training together.

Sam was fighting a bunch of holograms, while Wanda boosted Steve up in the air and over to a hologram.

From the looks of it, it wasn't going as well as it could.

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It didn't take long for them to finish, so when they did I walked through the wall. "Looks like that went well." I said catching their attention.

"You were supposed to be here earlier." Steve panted, crossing his arms.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I'm here now, so give me like the hardest training session ever. I don't care." I apologized. Steve nodded slightly.

"Wanda, teach Chloe how to do maneuver 18." He said before walking away. Sam walked past me, patting my shoulder before following Steve.

He looks mad. Steve mad. Yay.

"He's mad at me, isn't he?" I asked Wanda.

"Probably. You did skip a whole week of training. And all for a boy. Tsk." Wanda said poking fun at me.

"Shut up." I laughed pushing her shoulder. "And he's just a friend. He's not a boyfriend. He is a boy friend. Totally different."

"Right. Because people who are friends go on dates. Or spend the entire weekend together." She smirked eyeing me.

"Okay. Even if he was my boyfriend, which he's not, it wouldn't matter anyway because it's my business. Not y'all's." I told her firmly.

Why do people think we're dating?

"Alright. Whenever you say. Come on. I gotta teach you this." For the next few hours Wanda and I trained together.


"Hey." I looked up from my book to see Sam.

"Hey." I smiled as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"You wanna go?" I looked at him confused.

"Go? Go where?" I eyed him.

"D.C.. I've got some things I need to do there. You could come if you want. I'm sure Nat would be fine with it." He told me.

"How long?" I asked, thinking about it.

"Less then a week. I'm not really sure." I nodded.

"I'll think about it." I told him, smiling.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, so think quick." He elbowed me.

After he left I sat think about it. The common sense part of myself says to stay and do the things I'm behind on, but the rebellious teenage part of me says go.

Can you guess which I listened to?


"I know what you're going to say. You think that I should stay and train and everything, but the last time I was in D.C. was a few weeks before I went to Rio. And I was barely there a few days." I said following mom around the compound.

"Why do you want to even go?" She asked.

"I don't know. I liked it there. Plus I wanna go sight seeing." I shrugged.

"Chloe, I get that you want to go but-"

"Please! Please please please! I swear I will never ever ever ask for anything again! Please!" I begged knowing that every word I just said was a total lie because of course I would ask for something again.

Mom raised her eyebrow at me but shook her head smiling slightly. "You can go. Just promise me-"

"I can?! Really?! Thank you thank you thank you! I love you! Thank you!" I jumped up and down.

"If you promise me that you won't be reckless and get yourself killed." She said holding me down by my shoulders.

"Okay. I promise I will not be reckless and get myself killed." I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious."

"I know. I'll be careful. Thank you!" I hugged her and then went to go pack.

Merry Christmas!! Happy holidays!! Thought I might give y'all a Christmas update.

I was just kinda riffing for this one, but I promise something really good is coming, and then it's gonna go into some action.

Tell me your thoughts, and tell me what you want to happen in D.C.. 

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