The Rumour

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Fluff maybe? Check the warnings before you read!
House: Slytherin, but it is ok if you choose another house.
Blood: you choose.
Warnings: sad, the story will be Draco's POV most of the time. There will be blood and stuff like that- also a bit of swearing.
Anyways, enjoy!

Draco's POV:
I sit at the Slytherin table and realize y/n isn't there. I look around in the great hall, but I can't see her anywhere.
"Who are you looking for?" Blaise asks. I turn my head to face him.
"I-" I don't even get the time to say anything before he says:
"Ohh, y/n." He looks down at the Slytherin table and itches the back of his neck. He looks nervous.
"What's wrong? You look nervous." I ask him.
"Draco, look. I don't think I am the right to tell you."
This is confusing. I put both of my hands on the table and look straight into his eyes.
"Tell me now," I say.
"Draco, I mean it! Ask someone else!" He says, and that's when I realize how silent the great hall is. All eyes are on me. As soon as I realize, everyone turns their head away quickly.
"Blaise, cmon!" I say. I am about to give up.
"You asked for it. I will tell you when we both are done eating." He says. Finally.

After eating
I notice the nervous face Blaise has. He doesn't seem too good.
"Now tell me, Blaise. What is wrong?" I say and I feel myself getting nervous. What if something had happened to her? She is the love of my life, and if something has happened to her I don't know what I am supposed to do!

Your POV:
I can't move. I can't stop bleeding. I can't handle this pain. If Lestrange won't let me go, I will die.
"You are an idiot for thinking anyone will help you," Bella says and rolls her eyes while laughing which makes you almost scream.
"What if someone decides to save me?" I say but my voice cracks.
"No one will, and if a bloody idiot decides to risk their own life, they won't even want to live anymore." She says and giggles.

Draco's POV:
Blaise looks down at his feet.
"Alright, listen here. Y/n hasn't been seen at Hogwarts for the whole day. Not in any of the classrooms. Not in the library. Not even in her dorm."
I let out a sigh. I thought it was worse. She could've been dead. I look down. I had been so nervous.
"-but there's more." He says. I look up at him.
"Professor Trelawney said that..."
His voice cracks when he says "that". I can feel myself sweating and my right hand automatically grabs my left hand.
"You asked for it. She is your girlfriend after all."
He says and I feel myself getting angry.
"Blaise, just say it. I can't wait." I didn't realize I yelled. Everyone had their eyes on us.
"Trelawney said that she is in so much pain and is getting tortured. She is trying to figure out where she is, but she said it is impossible. She might have... died" Fuck. I look into his eyes. He can't look at mine. My eyes start to water. My hands have already lost their grab on each other. I feel my tears falling down my face. Oh no. Why right now?! Everyone is looking. Even Pottah and his little group. This is so embarrassing. Slytherins aren't supposed to cry. They aren't weak.
"I-" my voice cracks.
"I have to go," I say quickly and runs off.
"Wait!" He yells, but I am already gone.
I feel everyone's eyes on me as I run with tears running down my face. I hear whispering. I have to do something. Quick! I run to my dorm as quickly as I can. No one should see me like this. As I reach my dorm I lay on my back on my bed. My vision is blurred because of tears. My heart keeps on banging and I can even feel it. Then it hits me. Tortured. She is getting tortured. Bellatrix of course. Who else should it be? I hear knocking on my door. I dry away my tears aggressively. When I open the door my eyes are red.
"Draco, I shouldn't have told you..." Blaise says.
"No, it's fine." I am about the slam the door in his face, but he puts his foot in the way.
"What do you want?" I ask him angrily.
"I am not in the mood."
"Should we find Trelawney?" He asks.
"N-"I think about it for about 5 seconds. Maybe she can help?
"Fine" I end up saying.
He grabs my arm.
"Come." He says in a serious tone.
"I have learned how to walk, you know," I say and push him off me.

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