What the heck are you.?!

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Rayrays (P.O.V)

Ray:I ran to class and sat by the new girl.whats your name I asked her

Misty:misty valintine and don't bother to flirt with me

Ray:umm ok do you have a nick name

Misty: dimplezz.

Ray:oh kool


Ray:*knocks misty shades off and makes it look like and accadent*

Misty:dude WTF *blue flames began as I ran out of the class room*

Ray:dang pircing blue eyes what the hell is she plus the flames I have to tell prince *jacobs vampire name* bringggggg.!!!! Yes I gotta find prince and the others.!

Misty's (P.O.V)

misty:*ran into the bathroom to calm down*

???:are you ok

Misty:I turnn around to see a girl with long black her

Nelly:hi I'm nelly are you ok.

Misty:yea ok I'm misty most people call me dimples I say tring to shild my eyes

Nelly:it's ok dimplezz I know about your blue eyes it's probably just a faze my grandma is a witch she probably could help


Nelly:yup lets get to lunch

misty:kk let's go.we walk in the lunch room to find 4 boys staring at me 2 I already know the other two I've never scene at least I have my shades on

???:hey dimplezz and nene come sit over here.!

Misty:I look over to see jessi and another girl I don't know

I walked over to the table and set while the girl smiles

Britney:hello dimplezz I'm Britney but you can call me Brit

Misty:hi Brit I flashed a smile (:

Rayrays (P.O.V)

Rayrays:I ran as fast as I could to the lunch room and found Craig,prince,chrisanto,

Chrisanto:what's up ray

Craig:gives dap

Jacob:did you do it

Rayray:yea and she had pircing blue eyes that has

Flames in them.!

Jacob:I have no idea what she could be.!

Creig we have to talk to her

Chissanto:yea I agree

Mistys (P.O.V)

I look over the table to see •the guys walking towards me

Wtf do they want

Ray:can we talk to you for a min. It's very important

Misty:ugh fine hold on guys


Misty:we walk out side and they just look at me

Take a damn picture it will last longer.! What y'all want

Jacob:who pissed in your cornflakes.?

Misty:boy if you don't STF-(gco)

Rayray:look misty don't get us mad

Misty:yea like y'all could do some

boys:all eyes turn red

Misty:starts gigaling y'all think y'all scary?

Prod:look call me prod and please take off those shades

Misty:y'all think y'all can handle it.?


Misty:takes off shades and shows them her cold pircing blue eyes

Rayray:what are you

Misty:I-I don't know (starts crying tears of gold)

Sobs I also shapeshift at random times and I can do magic,but my main powers are blue flames

jacob:it's okay will find out soon cheer up

Rayray:wow you powerfull and wait tears of gold

Creig:she cant be.!

Chrisanto:no there's no way


Jacob:omg just come with us.!

-hmmm what's going on.?

Crying tears of gold

Being a shapeshifter

Also a wizard

Pircing blue eyes

Glowing flames.

What is she.?! Read on to find out (:

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