kara's magical flying (school) bus

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littleluthor: okay okay introduce yourselves- who are you guys?

lildanvers: oh true you guys should introduce yourselves

gaydanvers: kara why the hell did you not tell me you had friends on a magic fucking flying fucking schoolbus?!

lildanvers: oops?

tori: oh well hi im tori vega

kindlyfuckoff: im jade west. 

gaydanvers: wicked bitch of the west

lildanvers: dkjf;skdjfdskf

detectivedimples: pfft

littleluthor: good one danvers

cat:): hi im cat valentine, though you can just call me cat

kittycgrant.co: Call me "Cat G." and her "Cat V."

lildanvers: gotcha

tori: so cat jade and i are from hollywood arts, like we said, we graduated 3 years ago and yeah. i dont know anyone here except them and kara

detectivedimples: yeah you know her;)

littleluthor: sawyer i swear to god

gaydanvers: ^

Kashy McGra: uh i know no one except kara since i ran into her when we met on the bus

lildanvers: yea uh we'll get you to your earth dont worry guys

betyourass: im betty. betty cooper

ilikemilk: jughead jones, betty's boyfriend

TheGrinch: Yuck.

kittycgrant.co: I think that I'm starting to like Mr. Grinch

detectivedimples: of course you would

littleluthor: classic cat grant

lildanvers: ugh lee dont act like you're not like her sometimes

littleluthor: i am not!

lildanvers: are too!

littleluthor: am not!

lildanvers: are too!

TheGrinch: Jesus you two act like 6-year-olds.

kittycgrant.co: couldnt have said it better myself

gaydanvers: sdjkdhfsdfhlskfs

betyourass: these are grown women?

lildanvers: wounded

littleluthor: excuse me i am grown

ilikemilk: yea sure

tori: kara and lena are grown

kindlyfuckoff: yeah you would know of course

cat:): okay can we go home now

gaydanvers: we're working on it

cat:): thanks agent danvers

gaydanvers: call me alex

cat:): okay alex

kittycgrant.co: Cat V's like you, Kiera.

kittycgrant.co: Innocent.

littleluthor: wouldnt be too sure of that last night;)

lildanvers: lena!

gaydanvers has left the conversation

lildanvers: gosh dang it again, lena


hi um so this is the writer. i have some bad news. unfortunately, i will not be getting many updates in due to uh

today i went to the ER and i have stitches in my hand. while cutting fruit, my hand slipped and boom next thing i know, i see blood everywhere and then after cleaning it off (hurt like a bitch) i see bone and im like oh shit oh shit oh shit

there was like a chunk of flesh hanging off of my hand and there was SO much blood on the ride to the ER

yep so i wont be getting many updates in considering that, that happened to my left thumb and yep:) i wont show what it looks like since ill get banned soooo

lets just hope i heal quick so you guys can get your promised updates:)

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