The next few weeks of shows pass quickly and we're getting ready to go home sooner then I would have liked. Everyone went to a party in Michael's room the night before we leave for home. Dom and I left the party early, wanting to finish packing.
We don't talk much as we pack, wanting to just enjoy one other's presence while we still can. While we pack he sometimes walks over to me and just hugs me for a minute before going back to his packing, not that I was complaining about it. They were bittersweet moments that I wouldn't forget for a long time.
That night as we fall asleep together for the last time for about a month, he rolls over and hugs me. I smiled slightly and move into him more, the two of us having got a lot closer.
I wake up the next morning and gently wake Dom. He sighs and hugs me closer.
"I don't want to leave yet," He whines.
"We still have a few hours. Plus we won't be that far when we get back."
"I live in Orange county, you live in L.A."
"It's not like we're across the world from each other. Plus you also have an apartment in L.A. right?" He nods, probably regretting telling me that. "So we'll see each other."
"Yeah but my mom's probably going to make me stay with them for a few days, maybe even the whole time."
"Then she does, we can still talk." He sighs and holds me tighter. "C'mon, we're gonna be late if we don't get up." He sighs and we get up and change before making our way down to the lobby with our stuff.
We get coffee and some quick breakfast as everyone slowly comes down. Lavelle and Randy join us in the car to the airport.
"Are you guys ready to go home?" I ask, sitting in the middle once again.
"Yes! Though I'm also going to miss you guys." Randy says from next to me.
"Same here. I'm going to miss trying to get you two together." LaVelle says from the front.
"You guys do know we'll be seeing each other again right? This goodbye isn't forever, it's only for a month. Barely a month." I say, Dominic interlacing our hands on my lap.
"That's true." LaVelle says sadly. I smile and shake my head, looking out the window.
Dom and I sit together on the airplane, him with his arm around my shoulders the entire time. He helps with the airplane again, I still wasn't used to them.
We slowly walk out of the plane and hug each other gently as we wait for the bags. I see my bag and grab it, Dom still never letting go. He grabs his bag and we walk to where Juan was standing, waiting for everyone. We don't have to wait long before the last few people join us.
"Okay everyone! We had a great two months of shows. We will have the month off, before meeting up here again on November 7th. We will be in Australia this time, for just under a month then we come back until February when we start the first U.S. leg of the tour. Feel free to email if you have any questions, you'll get the new flight information and if you need anything special in a week or so. Any questions right now?" No one says anything and people start leaving as their rides get to the airport.
Dom and I sit on the floor, his arm still around my shoulders with our bags next to us, while I wait for Amèlie and he waits for his mom.
"Bye guys! See you two in a month!" Randy says, walking past us with LaVelle. We wave goodbye as they walk out. I see Amèlie and Amelia walk in after a few minutes and sigh, standing up and pulling Dominic with me. We hug tightly as I hear Amelia shout my name.
"Wait for it." I whisper in Dominics ear before feeling Amelia jump on my back. I take a small step away from Dom, still holding his hand, as Amelia slips off my back and hugs me tightly. I let go of Doms hand before hugging her back, just as tightly.
"I missed you!" She whispers in my ear.
"I missed you too!" After a few minutes she lets go and I hug Amèlie. I turn to Dominic with tears appearing in my eyes.
"Oh um Dom, this is Amelia and Amèlie, Amelia and Amèlie, this is Dominic."
"Hi." Amèlie says, holding her hand out. Dom takes it and shakes it, not speaking. I know that he'll cry if he speaks so I speak up instead as he puts his arm back around me, pulling me close into him.
"Where's Chessa?"
"She's studying for a final." Amelia answers. I nod and turn to Dominic, not wanting to say goodbye yet.
"Oh uh," he clears his throat, "my mom's here." I turn and see a nice looking woman who looks like Dom walking over. They hug before she says something in spanish to him. He pauses for a second before nodding and turning to me.
"I gotta go." He says sadly. I nod, trying not to cry. I hug him tightly and don't let go. I feel him smile as he tries to pull back. I shake my head, hiding it in his neck.
"This goodbye isn't forever, remember? It's more of a see you later, okay?" He whispers in my ear. I nod and slowly let go.
"See you later." I say, my voice cracking slightly. He smiles sadly and wipes a tear that I hadn't noticed.
"See you later." He grabs his bags and walks out, pausing before the door. He smiles and waves one last time before walking out. I take a deep breath and turn to Amelia and Amèlie who had been watching the entire thing.
"Okay let's go." I say, turning and grabbing my bag.
"Bye Isabella!" Jenn calls as the three of us walk out.
"Bye Jenn! Call me soon so we can play together again!" She nods and I follow Amèlie to the car, Amelia walking beside me.
"Was that Dominic? The one you had told me about you left and who you had written about in your letters?" Amelia asks as I put my bag in the back of Amèlies car. I nod, not really trusting my voice.
"Did anything happen?" Amèlie asks, starting car.
"No. Unless you count sleeping in the same bed." I see Amelia look at me as I watch the stars, we had landed in the evening.
"Wait what?" She asks, nudging me.
"Well it started in the first hotel, we were just supposed to sleep in the same room but there was only one bed and they didn't have another room on the same floor. That happened in pretty much every hotel except one when we had two beds but the room was freezing so we ended up sleeping in the same bed anyway."
"And you promise nothing happened?" Amèlie asks, glancing back at me.
"Yes! We almost kissed like twice but I swear, nothing actually happened."
The rest of the ride I stay quiet, already missing Dominic. It was weird, I had gotten so used to him constantly being by my side for two months that now I felt like something was missing. Like a piece of me was gone.
Dom's POV:
By the time I got in the car with my mom, I was already missing her. It felt like I was leaving a part of me behind. Almost like a piece of me was gone.
"¿Quién era ella? (who is she?)" My mom asks, starting the car and driving away. I glance back and see her and her friends walking to their car. "Dominic!" I turn back around before answering.
"She was... my best friend on tour."
"Just a friend?" I nod, resting my head on the window wanting to sleep for the hour long drive. "You two seemed closer then that."
"Well maybe if we had been there longer something might have happened."
"So you like her?"
"Sure, you could say that." I say tiredly.
"Cuando tienes que irte de nuevo? (When do you have to leave again?)" She asks right as I was almost asleep.
"Uhh about a month I think."
"Perfecto, puedes contarnos todo sobre ella y su gira mientras te quedas. (Perfect, you can tell us all about her and the tour while you stay.)" I just nod before falling asleep, seeing her dancing through my dreams.
A/N: this week is finals week (ahah k!ll me) so no update next week. anyways do y'all like the pov switch? should i do more in the future?