Part 2-2

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"Everything does seem to work," he says turning the faucet off.

"That's good," I sit at the kitchen table placing my head in my hands.

"Does your head hurt again?" Levi's voice is soft as he moves my hand away from my head.

"No no, I'm just tired,"

"You never told me what you saw,"

"Levi," I roll my eyes sitting back in my chair.

"Please? I want to help you,"

Noticing the worry in his voice I let out a sigh, "Fine, ever since we saw the titan...tin. I've been getting dreams,"

His eyebrows raise in shock, "Why didn't you tell me?" he quietly explains and I look down at my lap.

"I didn't think anything of them, until this week," I brush back my hair, "I just...they felt real. And last night...last night," the thought passes through my head and I look out the window at the sitting titan, it's back towards us as her head is bent looking at her lap.

"(y/n)?" he guides my eyes back towards him with his voice.

"Last night I couldn't I went outside to feel the coolness of the air," I let out a sigh, "I don't know if it was exhaustion or if I actually saw what I saw was her. She was there in the trees," I look back out at tin and now she's looking up at the sky. "Just watching me,"

He nods as he looks out towards the titan before looking down at the table, running a hand through his hair.

"And I felt this overwhelming feeling of peace...just wanting to let go," I look down at my fidgeting hands as a small smile appears on my lips as I remember what I felt. "And every moment I had with you played in my mind," I look up at his worried eyes smiling at him, "Then she disappeared and it felt like I was drowning and I could finally come up and take a breath,"

"(y/n)...why didn't you tell me?" I shrug unsure of what to say, "You know I'm always here for you," He stands up and walks over to me stretching his hand out in front of me. I take it and he pulls me up into an embrace I'm reluctant to share at first, shock overtaking me. Before I give in nestling my face into his chest and tightly but gently wrapping my arms around his waist.

After a while, he pulls back, cupping my face in his hands and giving me a soft kiss on my forehead. He looks at me longingly before heading into the kitchen.

"You think there's any food here?" I ask watching him open the cupboards. Surprised he can reach them at all, I chuckle to myself.

"Let's find out,"

I walk over and help him search, "Aha," I lift a can of non-perishable, "Ooo, a fruit cocktail," I do a little shimmy next to Levi.

"Tch," I stop as he turns away, brushing his hair back but I catch a glimpse of his smirk which makes me smile.

"Now to find what to open it with," I place the can down on the counter opening the drawers to try and find a can opener or anything to open the can with. Until I hear the metal scraping of the ODM gear, oh great.

"Move," I raise my arms in defense as I watch Levi, in awe, as he opens the can with the blade.

"I should have thought of that," I roll my eyes playfully causing him to scoff as he offers me the can. Taking out a piece of fruit before dropping it in my mouth Levi watches me.


"Nothing," the corners of his lips slightly tilt up.

"Yeah okay," I grab another fruit before heading over to the sink to wash the syrup off my hand. I head out of the kitchen to check out the house, "Don't forget to clean your blade!" I yell out.


"Tch, I'm not stupid,"


I walk into a room and look around, noticing the decorations seem to be for a child. I hear footsteps and I peek around the doorframe to find Levi, "Check this out,"

"A kid?"

"Mhm," He picks up a picture frame and I look over. It shows a smiling family, the two adults each holding a child. I continue wandering around the house looking for anything else but the picture frame seems to be the only thing giving this home a story.

I make my way to what seems like the master room. Sitting at the edge of the bed, looking down at my feet. Still confused as to what is going on, questions racing in my mind as I wonder why the titan thinks we can help her.

I fall back on the bed stretching my arms out next to me and closing my eyes. Levi's quiet footsteps enter the room and he stands quietly. I open my eyes to catch him staring, his gaze fixed. I move my arms by my side and slightly shift so he can lay down. He does so quietly while handing me a book.

"Check this out,"

I hold it up studying the blank cover slowly opening it breathing in some dust and getting some in my eyes. The coughing leading me to sit up.

"Idiot," he murmurs under his breath and I playfully hit him, looking back at his now-closed eyes and peaceful features, a smile curling at his lips. Returning my focus to the book I flip through the pages. My eyebrows furrow in confusion before my eyes widen uncertain if what I'm reading is true.

"Levi..." I continue to flip through the drawings and writing all familiar but distant in a strange way. "What is this?" He sits up to study the pages before giving me a shrug. A page reads:

Day 43

No response from Tin. Steady but slow heartbeat. Hot to the touch.

The serum may have worked but not quite sure even this far into the study.

No telling how long this will take.

Another reads:

Day 92

She's awake...confused but awake nonetheless.

Weird markings on the face have been appearing these past few days. Unsure what they may be.

Knows her name but not the date understandably so.

Hoping to get more tests done.

"Listen to this Levi,"


"Day 132. Had to restrain her. She was getting aggressive. The weird markings disappeared but now they are back. She seems to have forgotten everything I've shown her."

"Is there more?"

"Yeah," I flip to what seems to be the last entry, "Day 204. I failed...I tried...I hope she knows I tried. I hope she knows I love her....I want her to remember me but she can't. Hopefully, she can remember eventually. I love you" I trail off feeling the tears in my eyes as if I could feel what the dad was feeling. I drop my head taking in a deep breath, feeling Levi's hand on my back. "We have to help her," I look over at him my eyes most likely red.

He nods knowing that we most likely won't be able to turn her back into a human, and at the same time, I know this too.

After a restless night, we head out into the field before the sun rises fully to find Tin laying in the grass. We approach her keeping our distance and she tilts her head to look at us.

"The night sky is so pretty. I could look at it forever,"

I nod looking up at the now orange and red sky. "It's one of my favorite things to do," I give her a smile and she returns it before getting up. She may be a titan but she's still able to get up quietly and as gracefully as possible.

She stretches before asking if we would like a ride. A chuckle and a polite no later we head off into the trees. Trying to get back as soon as possible.

[While I wrote this I had no idea what I wanted the reader to say/feel so :) hopefully, it makes sense ? Yay chapter 2 :p okay, I hope you all are enjoying it ! I had such a hard time remembering the word entry it was just (??) for a while until I finally figured it out lmao ttyl]

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