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 Hisashi nervously sat across from the underground hero and the bear. Apparently, Aizawa had let it slip in a rant that he had met the ex-villain overloud. So here he was, with Nezu sitting across from him next to Aizawa. Thankfully the kids were at school currently. "Hello, All for One," Nezu said calmly.

"I go by Hisashi Midoriya now a day. Would you like some tea?"

"That would be nice."

"Earl Gray?"

"Yes please, thank you."

"So what do you want to talk about?" Hisashi asked pouring two cups of tea, turning to Aizawa, "Tea?"

"No thank you, I prefer coffee."

"I just wanted to talk about what you have been doing for the last five years."

"What do you mean, Mr Nezu?"

"I mean, you completely left the underground suddenly. Surely there is a reason."

Hisashi sighed before smiling softly at his hands, "I met the love of my life. I left so I could protect her..." his smile dropped, "but I guess there was nothing I could do to stop it."

He sighed before smiling brightly again, "But that doesn't matter right now, that's in the past! I'm no longer a villain, so you don't have to worry about me doing anything!"

"I wasn't, Aizawa has assured me that you have no ill intentions. He also mentioned that you have children?"

Hisashi smiled brighter and stood up to get a photo. "Yes! Most of them adopted but I love them all the same!" He handed the bear the picture. Aizawa had pulled out his sleeping bag and fallen asleep. The picture had been taken a few weeks after Hitoshi joined the family.

Nezu smiled at the photo of the family. Aizawa was in the picture as well, holding Izuku who was holding plush. Hitoshi and Shoto we're standing next to Himiko, who was covered in band-aids from all the times she fell and scraped herself and wearing a dress. Tenko and Touya were shown fighting with each other with Hisashi trying to stop them. Behind them all was Gigantomachia and the forest.

Hisashi and him proceeded to talk for the next couple hours. Hisashi checked the time and said, "Oh, I have to go pick up my kids."

"I can do that," Aizawa said, emerging from his cocoon like a butterfly.

"Are you sure, Shota?"

"Yes, Hisashi, I'll go pick up the problem children."

"Okay..." Hisashi sat down as Aizawa walked out of the room.

Nezu and him continued their conversation and chess game, until "Daddy!" Izuku ran into the room followed by his siblings and Aizawa.

"Hello My prince," Hisashi smiled as he lifted him onto his lap. Himiko, Hitoshi, and Shoto soon joined him. Touya and Tenko went to their room and Aizawa sat down next to Nezu again, returning to his sleeping bag again. "Hello, Princess, little Dragon, and my little Hero."

Hitoshi leaned against Shoto, who was leaning against Himiko who was leaning on their dad. "Meet Nezu," Hisashi while gesturing towards the mouse bear thing.

"Hi, Mr Nezu!"Izuku and Himiko greeted while Hitoshi just waved. Shoto had already fallen asleep on his sister.

"Greeting kids," Nezu smiled at them.

Sorry for writing more chapters. I do plan on writing more for this but I currently have NO ideas or motivation for this fic. Instead, my brain just keeps coming up with ideas for new fics. I will be updating at some point as well as making a new schedule, however, it will not be every week like before. ~ Author 

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