Constantly blocked nostrils can cause snoring and affect the whole system in many different ways. It is important to have a free passage of breath all the time to have well-balanced fluids for a sense of balance and well-being.
There are some effective home remedies for a blocked nose that can be easily tried to get rid of the snoring problem associated with it.
Before bedtime, blow your nostrils out and make it as clear as possible to prevent high pitch snoring. If the blockage due to mucus is more stubborn, you can put a few drops of ghee. For a week to ten days, put two drops of warm ghee in the nostrils before going to bed to lubricate the nasal passage. This way in the morning the mucus will come out easily and you will have clean nostrils. You can also try saline nasal spray which can also clear the nasal passage to some extent.
If your nostrils are constantly blocked, it becomes difficult to clear sinuses in the head region which may aggravate the snoring problem. You can try using a humidifier as it provides a quick way to release the stuffy nose and reduce sinus pain. The machine converts water to moisture that slowly fills the air, increasing the humidity in a room. Breathing in this moist air can soothe irritated tissues and swollen blood vessels in your nose and sinuses. Humidifiers also thin the mucus in the sinuses. This can help empty the fluids in the nose and return the breathing to normal.
Keep hydrated with liquids when your nose is stuffed up. They assist in decreasing the pressure in the sinuses which reduces inflammation and irritation. Liquids like soup and warm tea also help ease the sore throat. A warm compress may also help unclog a stuffy nose by opening the nasal passages from the outside. To make a warm compress, soak a towel in warm water, squeeze the water out of the towel, and place it over your nose and forehead. The warmth can provide comfort from any pain and help relieve the inflammation in the nostrils. Repeat this as often as necessary.
Try decongestants as they can help reduce swelling and ease pain associated with irritated nasal passages. Many decongestants are available without a doctor's prescription and come in the form of a pill and nasal spray. Correct use of decongestants is important and they should not be taken for more than three days without a doctor's prescription.
If you have a stuffy nose due to an allergicreaction, you may need to take certain medications to prevent allergies. Thesemedications can reduce the swelling in your nasal passages, helping to unclogyour stuffy nose. Yoga exercises for the blocked nose can be very effective ifyou have a tough nasal situation that does not clear up easily. You can try akriya called JalaNeti. The other time-tested remedies that can help relievenasal congestion are facial steam, gargle with salt water, sitting in avertical position, and taking a few calm breaths.
Reference Link :
Tips For Clearing a Blocked Nose and Prevent Snoring
Science FictionIf your nostrils are constantly blocked, it becomes difficult to clear sinuses in the head region which may aggravate the snoring problem. You can try using a humidifier as it provides a quick way to release the stuffy nose and reduce sinus pain.