There was a moment of silence shared between the two. All Hisoka could do, however, was laugh. The blank stare on Emiko's face was priceless. Though she snapped out of her trance and landed her head back on the seat.
"Happy Birthday then. You know, this is the least thing I expected." She congratulates.
"Think again.~ ♦" From what started as a mischievous smile turned into an innocent one, with eyes closed included. It's a rare grin she doesn't get to see everyday but it made her wonder even more. Is there something I'm missing?
At the airport curb, there was a dark limousine with the driver waiting, hands behind his back. He greeted Hisoka, specifically referring to him as the 'Great Magician.' The driver introduced himself as Hisoka walked into the back seats. Inside the limousine, it was dimmed purple lights and an empty bar at the end. The empty seats all across the inside made her wonder about the amount of people that can fit. Eleven... maybe twelve people. Though he seems to be very respected. Questions, questions.
As she was in deep thought, all he could do is stare her up and down. Not only did he decide to sit across the limousine but was building a house of cards.
"Do you know why I do this so often?~ ♣" He sparks up a conversation.
"No but now I'm curious." Emiko replies, leaning on her crossed leg.
"Everytime I'm remotely anxious, I pull out my deck of cards.~ ♣" He explains, taking a final card and placing it at the top of the rows. "That or I'm just bored. But never with you my darling.~ ♥"
"Do I just never bore? How nice of you..." She holds a threatening gaze despite her flirtatious body language. The label 'surprise' can easily camouflage a trap he set up, or a job she hasn't consented to participate in. Trust issues can drive one nuts especially with a psychopath that dresses nicely. He's smart, there's no doubt about that, but I can't predict his intentions. Ever.
"That's correct. What'd you expect? You sound disappointed.~ ♠" He squints his eyes out the window. We're nearing the final destination.
"I expect nothing more, nothing less." She leaves him with enough mystery as he has for the last two days. He knows what's expected coming from someone like Emiko. Although, he's been quite the entertainment as usual.
"Oh, how could I forget? You'll be having your own set of clothes for the next few days.~ ♥" Hisoka tilts his head and cracks an adorable smile. When did he get so wholesome? Impossible. Just a few weeks ago I had to supervise the monster called 'Bloodlust' that he can't even control. Then again, I'm not much to talk.
"How would you know if I like the wardrobe you picked out?" She asks.
"I've seen enough clothes on and off you to know.~ ♦" That smug smile never left his face.
Motion on the limousine seem to have come to a halt and she was left eager to jump out the door. At stepping off, Hisoka helps her find a steady balance off the car and the presence of 'over-populated city' slapped her in the face. Polluted air, loud construction work, busy roads, and drowned out noises of large crowds. It's of a familiar city but not of one she personally recognizes. The sudden rush of many flavorful aura surrounded her. It wasn't threatening, no, it was more playful. At turning around, Emiko faces a building she'd never seen before. Maybe not a building but a structure. Is this...
"Welcome to Glam Gas Land's Circus.~ ♦" Hisoka blurts out. His usual narrowed eyes have relaxed at the sight of the circus tent. He's not said much of his childhood but this sure hits the nail on the wall, hu?
"Not to be a drag but, why are we here?" Emiko asks as she follows the magician to the tent entrance. There were large lines circling around the circus tent with screaming children and annoyed parents. A long, red staircase welcomed performers and special guests, like Emiko, to get front row seats. Those in the lines roared at the sight of Hisoka. No, to them, he is 'The Great Magician.' Some claiming they haven't seen him in years. How strange to see such a dark soul be praised for the work he does in what could be considered a child's place. Though he paid little to no attention to his 'fans.' Instead, the great magician focused his attention on gathering all the information on their current location; northern Yorbia.
"Isn't it interesting?~ ♦"
Your mysterious upbringing? Yes.
The interior was surrounded with bleachers like a stadium, the center with stage lights that illuminated the ring, and practicing performers scattered all around. The moment he stepped closer to the center, the room went silent. Acrobats, jugglers, fire breathers, and all sorts of other performers kept their mouths shut. Although it felt odd to have the people outside fan girl over his arrival and the circus performers seem to be shocked. Things clearly ended badly last time he was here...
All of a sudden, he darts a card towards a booth hovering over the front enterance. There was an alluring presence coming from the darkened booth, what she assumed was the light directory room. A man with a top hat and steampunk-styled monocle glasses appeared from the abyss. He chuckles with the card straight in his hat. All Emiko could do was watch with crossed arms and a twisted brain. There's so much to uncover here.
"Hello, Moritonio...~ ♦" Hisoka says readjusting his hair.
"I thought you'd never come back. Who's this fine lady we have here? Don't tell me you ran off on the sight of love, son." He shrugs off the launched card and proceeds to jump down. The closer he got, the more she realized how tall he was. If Hisoka wasn't tall enough, this man must be reaching seven feet. And by the looks of it, the only one who respects Hisoka, or should it be, Son.'
"I met her recently. When I left five years ago was for other despicable reasons.~ ♦" He struts back towards the ring, leaving her alone with the cloaked and monocled statue. The other performers continued their practices and occasionally glared at his direction. It's very clear that everyone in here holds some sort of miraculous power but even nen users are afraid of his presence. I can't tell if they're all wimps or I'm the one that's blinded.
"Emiko. Emiko Kaneko." She begins.
"Moritonio. The ringmaster of The Royal Glam Hotel. The rest of the crew goes by Ritonio-Troupe." He says. Hotel? That must be the other buildings on the plot. The name also seems very familiar... "What brings you here?"
"Your great magician brought me along for his birthday wishes. As to why he's here is beyond my knowledge."
"Ah, I see." He lowers his top hat revealing a striped head of hair fitting for an older man. The two watched as Hisoka looks over his shoulder towards them. Like the wind, he pulls a move she's never seen before; a gust of flower petals making his outfit change completely into a more magician-suited fit. Emiko even has to do a double-take in order to process the name he lives up to. Moritonio looks in her direction immediately as loud ominous music begins to play from all around.
"The show's about to begin. Why don't you sit in the booth up there? It gives for the best views, darling." He suggests. She stands in utter disbelief as the one she's been so head over heels for reveals more on his past. "You know how to get up there, right?" He's referring to my nen powers, isn't he?
Right as the crowds were let in to take their seats, she lunges her ribbons and hoists herself to the booth. The coming watchers were astonished by her sudden disappearance and were already excited to see the show. But neither will I lie, I'm very anxious to see the performance overall, even more now that Hisoka's clearly engaged into the show.
The booth wasn't what she expected, instead it was exactly what she saw: a dark room. Upon further inspection, there was only a desk and chair at the end of the room. Though it looked like it'd been abandoned for a while. Suddenly, she presses a spot on the desk that turned on a dimmed yellow light from the ceiling. A visible shield of glass began to form on the enterance of the booth and the walls began to shape-shift into what seemed like a fuller hang-out space. The ringmaster must keep things hidden for a reason but that unsolved curiousity is for another day.
Emiko presses it again to shape the room to its original form. Right as she takes a seat by the edge, feet hanging off, the stage lights are the only source of light in the whole room. Moritorio walks into the ring and announces the performances and performers. With correct order, he lists the jugglers, acrobats, trapeze performers, animal tamers, fire breathers, clowns and the great magician for last. Even if his performance won't be until the last few minutes, the anticipation to watch gets more gripping by the second. Now I understand why there's so many fans in the seats.
All roles put on a wonderful performance, all so graceful and easily noticeable that nen is the key to all their shows. The audience must not know of their ability to use will power to create such performances but it's what makes them so successful. Jugglers threw pins at impossible heights, trapeze performers spun at inhumane speeds, and the clowns injuring themselves in serious ways that are untraceable by normal circumstances at the second. All that finally lead to Hisoka's very much waited time. The crowd grew louder as the ringmaster announced his name. As the dressed-to-impress man walked around the ring, the audience fell into the silent treatment.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, 'The Great Magician's Satin Touch!'"
A/N: Hello...... It's been a while. I wish all of you a Happy New Year!! I finally refreshed my brain in order to continue the story I've created. There will be juicy bits coming up in the next few chapters as I am now officially inspired again.