6. drown*

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+ A/N: hi! I just wanted to share that I  don't have a consistent schedule when it comes to updates. Saying that life's kinda crazy right now is totally an understatement. I will do my best to give you a chapter at least once a week. Thank you so much for being here and for reading.

Also, this chapter is nsfw :)
*T/W: oral sex +

"It's so good to meet you, Luke." You shook his hand one last time giving him a cheerful smile. Only he didn't return the same energy.

"Likewise. Be sure to tell your father I say hello." He lets go and glances at Ben one last time before exiting the door.

Oh right. Your reason for wealth lingered behind you like a shadow.  No matter where you went it was always; "how's your father?" "What's your father up to these days?"  Even if your fame was stacked with scandals and public tantrums, it always went back to him.

Lots of businessmen actually preyed on you for information about the company. But your father made you untouchable. He always told you that you'd always be a threat and that was your highest advantage. People feared you because your family was capable of destruction.

It was most definitely the root of your trauma.

"I always seem to lose you to your thoughts." Ben interrupted and he quickly bent down to kiss your cheek. You looked at him and he looked down at you. A strand of hair blocked his vision and out of reflex, his hand swooped it back.

It was your favorite thing.

You smiled brightly at him. "Can I see the office?"

"Of course, but you cant judge, angel. I've only put a desk and a chair in there." He grabbed your hand and he led the way.


Ben's office wasn't an office. It was the size of a penthouse. Your business was an entire floor of the company itself, Ben had this all to himself.  A bit of jealously settled at the pit of your stomach. As you exit the private elevator doors. You had realized what he said was true- his only pieces of furniture were his desk and chair. The potential of it all was starting to give you goosebumps. It was like walking into his apartment for the first time.

His desk and chair was at the middle, in front of the glass window that overlooked the city. For some reason, Fifty Shades of Grey popped up in your head. But you quickly snapped out of it because you weren't going to go that route.


Ben walked to the empty space. Large space for a large man. You could tell he was pondering about something too and he let out a laugh.

"I really don't need all of this. I would've been fine with just a cubicle." You watched him take a seat at his desk, his eyes still wandering around the empty space.

"Hey." You began. "You're a CEO now. Own up."

He was so humble. It was refreshing and kind of annoying at the same time. As much as your wanted to soak in his wealth with him, you couldn't help but admire how he couldn't realize his power. Or how much his family had left for him.

He rests his chin in his palm, pouting a little. There was a hint of worry in his eyes. "It all happened so fast. This was supposed to take months. My uncle just didn't want this without my mom, I guess."

Play dumb.

"Without your mom?" You made your way over to him. You sat up at his desk and instantly moved all of your hair to one side.

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He cleared his throat, turning his chair to you. His hands found their way either sides of your thighs. You straightened your back, swallowing the effect he had on you. "Can I trust you?"

You nodded and your jaw tightened at the guilt rising in your chest.

"Before coming here I was about to teach English in Japan. My mother was supposed to speak at the Grow Through event on my behalf but obviously I ended up speaking on her behalf." His brows knit together, his eyes searching for the memories that led him here. Instead of looking at you, he looked out the window.

You were grateful. You felt yourself turning pale.

"She's ill." He held his breath. "She won't make it. So Luke pushed me to take over. They ran this company as a team." His eyes were glossy now and his shoulders tensed.

The comfortable silence you both shared wasn't present in this moment. You wanted to know more - so you can fix it. And you hated that you wanted to fix it because there's nothing you could do.

"My father has no interest in this life, so I leave him out of it. I don't have any siblings. Everything that I made for myself and others is gone. I don't have anyone." He clenched his jaw as you saw a tear fell down his cheek.

"That's not true." You whispered.

Ben stood from his chair slowly, locking eyes with yours. He sucked in his cheeks a little, nervous that more tears would fall. His leg nudged your knee for him to open. You were shy at first since you wore a mini skirt but quickly dissolved as you saw the troubled look on his face. You accepted this as an invitation to touch him and he instantly melted to your hands. You noticed every mole, every little wrinkle, and the subtle facial hair growing. Your thumb traced along his lips, gently. He puckered them to kiss it.

You pulled him gently to kiss you. The apologies swam through your head and you knew that one day they'd drown you.

His lips moved against yours hungrily and you felt his desire crash over you like waves. He needed you and you didn't know what to do but touch him. Your hands went back and forth from cupping his neck and face to your fingers twisting in his hair. Your legs wrapped around his torso as you felt his tongue pass through your lips.

"I like you this way." He mutters as he pulls away from you. His hand was holding the back of your neck while the other had a grip on your thigh.

You batted your lashes at him. His mood clearly lighter from your kiss and touch. "Like what?"

His dark eyes wandered to your body, then around his office, then back to you. "You on my desk." His hand cupped your cheek while his thumb traced your chin. "Legs around me in a fucking skirt." He growled.

You silently congratulated yourself at putting him in a different mood. You loved dirty talk and you loved it even more when it came out of his mouth. His eyes went to your lips, pressing his thumb to them. Instead of you pressing a kiss, you opened your mouth and pressed your tongue against it, teasing him.

Eyes snapped to yours. "Suck." He demanded.

You obliged rolling your eyes back as you tasted his skin. Your sexual energies were like magnets. All you wanted to be was closer - closer than how you were now. His dominance felt like something only you brought out of him. You've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. His hungry eyes made you feel like you were completely compelled- willing to bend and fold in anyway he wanted you to.

"Good girl," He praised and you couldn't help but smile. You released his thumb with a pop and you both were interrupted by the phone on the desk. He sighed and you wanted to protest but you knew he had to answer it. "Give me a second, angel."

Angel. You liked it. He's called you it often and each time he did, butterflies fluttered all across your body.

"Hello?" He said sternly and took a seat on his chair.

With a boost of confidence and with the help of your aching pussy, you hopped off his desk and did your best to straddle his massive thighs. He eyed you, nervous but he didn't stop you. He continued to speak so casually with the person at the other end while you shamelessly started to grind on his lap. You got up and bent over giving him a full look of your ass and instantly his finger hooked around your thong and pulled. He let it go with a small snap and his hand wandered over to your flesh.

"Yes, that's perfect." He hummed in response. You looked back at him and he gave you a wink.

You turned around and dropped to your knees. Ben quickly knew where your head was going and he reached over to put the caller on speaker so he wouldn't have to hold the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, Ben. It would be a wonderful opportunity to replace your current security team. Your uncle has had these folks for a long time."

You were rubbing your hands up and down his thighs, and he was breathlessly quiet. Your fingertips grazed over his bulge before meeting the leather of his belt. Your mouth watered at the tightness in his pants.

"That sounds great. Who did you have in mind?" Ben swallowed his grunts as you undid his belt and pants. Your heart was beating so fast, you usually don't initiate oral. Ever.

You pulled down his pants with his briefs and his cock sprang free. You bit your lip and moaned at his girth. You felt your pussy pulse and you were sure your panties were starting to drip. Gods. This was even better than what you had imagined. You looked up at him while your tongue dragged along the base of his shaft and up to the tip. His mouth parted open as your tongue swirled and savored his skin in circles.

Your knees were starting to burn as they rested on the hard floor but you quickly pushed the thought away as Ben tried to articulate his words to whoever he was speaking to. His hands found your hair as you took him in your mouth, laying your tongue flat, and feel all of him slip to the back of your throat. You hollowed your cheeks, preparing to gag and somehow you were sure he'd like it.

Then he gripped your hair, hard. He pushed your head deeper until your gags became louder. Your hand pumped him up and down, feeling your saliva coat his cock.

"Okay, Solo. We'll have to do a rain check. I'm late for a shareholders meeting." The line went silent.

Fucking finally.

You took this as an opportunity to moan loudly- your hums vibrating onto his skin. Exaggerating was an understatement. You were enjoying this way more than you thought. He didn't hold his moans anymore. Your cheeks were starting to burn so you stopped and looked into his lustful eyes. Your tiny hand was jerking him off while you bit your lip at the sight.

You laid your tongue flat on at the base of his cock and gave it all you got. Your free hand went in between your skirt - feeling your aching pussy while your tongue felt his aching cock was only heightening your arousal.

"Fuck, baby I'm going to cum in that pretty mouth." His toned softened a little as he said it. He gripped your hair hard and pulled it back a little, signaling for you to look up at him. "And you're gonna swallow it, understood?"

You nodded instantly, tears going down your cheeks.

"Good girl."

Hearing him cum made your eyes roll back and you moaned all over his cock as you came yourself. His seed spilled down your throat and you did as you were told.

You got off of him, taking the time to sit and catch your breath. You wanted him bad and you couldn't help it. You heard him button his pants and you saw he had a hand out for you. He held you up to your feet and patted his lap. Your body melted to him and it only took you a second to get comfortable.

His hands rubbed your arms, your legs, and his fingers rubbed your scalp. Your eyes grew heavy and the last thing you remembered were his lips at your temple.

"My angel."

all for us | CEO au : ben/kylo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now