Hi, journal. It's been a while.
Right now, I'm looking at Site-62C, where SCP-579 is supposed to be. There are no guards, as far as I can see, and all the security is down. It looks like the place has been abandoned for a while. I was under the impression that this place was extremely high priority, but it looks like the Foundation doesn't agree with me anymore.
I have the briefcase in my hands. It's difficult to breathe. I feel like everything will end soon, one way or another.
I'm heading in.
Hi again, journal. I know I ended the last entry so dramatically, and it's been about thirty seconds since then, but I have an important update.
The second I got close to Site-62C, I got a feeling like someone was pressing a gun against the back of my head. Like I was standing on the edge of a roof, and someone's hands were on my back, ready to push me. Some fight or flight shit, dialed up as far as it would go.
I don't know what SCP-579 is. But I know it's looking at me.
Context: oh shit oh shit oh shit
<Begin Log>
(View is the inside of a hallway within Site-62C. Severe damage is visible on the walls, appearing as if it was done via usage of a large knife. The lights overhead flicker.)
Alec: Fuck. Fuck.
(The lights flicker again. When they come back on, a statue of a soldier with blades for arms is visible underneath them. It has empty sockets where its eyes should be, and its face is locked in a snarling expression.)
<End Log>
Closing Notes: Was wrong. They're here. The Blinkers...
Was right. Even if they can't notice me, they've figured out I'm here. Slashing everything in sight.
Gouged one of my legs. Hurts like shit, but need to keep moving. They're not chasing me, but they're headed to the same place. Need to get there first. Need to keep watching them.
Made it made it I made it, made it! Made it I made it.!!

SCP-5000. WHY?
Mystery / ThrillerAlec Espinal has to survive in a world where the SCP Foundation betrayed everything they stood for. Disclaimer: this is an SCP-5000 AU parody with some of my OC's and irl friends. I do not take credit for any characters that are not mine. I also do...