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Will's POV

It's been a week since I let Nico out of the infirmary. I wish I was more relieved to get that annoying son of Hades out of my hair. But the truth is, I've been a little distracted by the thought of him for the past week. I don't know why either. It's not like he's the most pleasant person to be around. Nevertheless, I've been out of it all week thinking about him. Okay, that makes it sound like I'm attracted to him. I am most definitely NOT attracted to him. Nico di Angelo is the most annoying, intolerable, dense,-



"Geez Louise Will, wake up!" My sister Anya exclaimed from the doorway. I was sitting in the infirmary staff lounge couch. Two slices of avocado toast lay untouched on the coffee table in front of me.

"Your lunch break is over. We have a lot of patients waiting, so get to it."

I jumped up from the couch.

"Shit! Right! Of course! Thanks, An!"

I packed up my unfinished lunch and ran out the door.

"Clipboard's on the front desk!" Anya called after me.

"Thanks!" I called back.

I ran to the front desk and grabbed the clipboard with the patient names and injuries on it. I read the first name. Jared Newman. Injuries: two broken legs, 5 broken ribs, several third-degree burns, mild head trauma.

I sighed. This was going to be a long day.


I was finally, FINALLY done. It was 11:58 and I was exhausted from countless surgeries and endless medical forms. I took off my scrubs and checked in one last time with the patients who were staying the night. Anya was taking the night shift, but people who are in pain want comfort, and that comfort often takes the form of companionship. Except for Nico, I've found. Seems he's in pain every day of his life, yet he'll never let anyone in, save Jason and Hazel. Though it seems there are things that even they don't know about. Sometimes when I look into those deep black eyes with those long, elegant lashes-

"Will?" I jumped at the sound of Anya's voice.


"Your shift ended 15 minutes ago. You've been standing here a while. Are you okay?"

15 minutes? How could I have been here for fifteen minutes?

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've just been a bit...distracted today."

She smiled mischievously.

"Okay, well you better go get some rest." She said, grinning. I sighed and turned to leave. On my way out, I grabbed some bandages from the storage cabinet. I was going to need them.


Nico's POV

I've been hidden away in my cabin for the past week. I have a hidden stash of food under my bed, and I've basically spent the last week blasting Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance through my headphones and trying to understand my own scrambled-up brain. I only come out at night, when the camp is dark and silent. I know it's dangerous to be out past curfew, but the cleaning harpies never bother me.

 I'm not supposed to shadow travel for a month, according to Will Solace, the annoying head counselor of Apollo cabin, but I really don't give a shit. I pulled on an oversized black hoodie because they're comfortable and because it's fucking cold outside, despite the weather borders. I shadow traveled to my secret special place on top of Half-Blood Hill atop a large boulder overlooking the whole camp. I noticed the infirmary lights were still on, which was strange. Usually, the Apollo campers turned them off, even during the night shifts. Then a noticed a small golden-haired figure trudging through the grass toward the Apollo cabin. I'd know that blond hair anywhere. It was no other than Will Solace, and he was...glowing? I crawled to the edge of my rock to get a better look. But I slipped and before I could catch myself, I fell. Of course, I fell. 

I hit the ground with a painful thud and rolled all the way down the hill, hitting about every root and rock on my way down. I finally stopped all the way at the bottom of the hill, about ten feet away from the one person I'd been avoiding for the past week.

"Nico?" Will ran towards me and crouched down next to me.

"Nico are you okay?"

I groaned. I didn't have the strength to get up, and my ankle was screaming in pain.

"You idiot!" Will grumbled. "Nico, hey, I'm gonna bring you to the infirmary okay?" He asked in a soothing, 'it's all going to be okay' voice.

I groaned again, which I guess he took as a yes, because he scooped me up bridal style and started jogging toward the infirmary. The last thing I saw was Will's worried face staring down at me before I passed out.

A/N First Chapter done! I hope you guys like it!

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