Jimin: Brother

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Hello guys, these chapter is all about Jimin, don't worry cause I will wrote them one by one like this.


Author's POV;

"Jimin, wake up, the breakfast is ready!," Jeonghan yelled behind the door

Jimin then groaned and back to sleep after hearing his brother's voice

Jeonghan is waiting for his answer but Jimin didn't respond, so he slowly enters Jimin's room

Seeing his brother sleeping so peaceful make him cooed

He approaches his brother and caressing his soft and pinky cheeks and he placed a kiss on Jimin's forehead then to his cute nose making him open his left eye

"What the-. Hyung! I'm not a baby anymore to give me a kisses every morning!," he pouted and roll over to cover his whole body with his soft blanket

Jeonghan giggles and he pats Jimin's thighs

"Get up now, the breakfast is ready," he said and he is about to leave when Jimin spoke

"Hyung, you cooked for me? If a yes, then you makes pancakes?," he said while rubbing his eyes in a cute way

Jeonghan giggles, "Yeah, and get up now or else I will eat your all pancakes," he teased and Jimin get up hurriedly and he jumped on Jeonghan's back

The two just eat their breakfast while chatting.

"Hyung can we go to a grocery shop? We are running out of foods," Jimin said while chewing his pancakes

Jeonghan nod, "Yeah sure. And you will pay it," he teased

Jimin then widen his eyes, "Yah! You're the one who has a job here!," he exclaims and chew his food angrily

Jeonghan laugh and take a sip on his milk, "Calm down babe," he teased

Jimin then give him a disgusting face, "Ew dude, that's gross," he said

Jeonghan then laugh, "Brat. Let's go, the clock is tickling," he said and wipes his mouth before getting up to take his keys on the dinning area

Jimin then cleaned up the table before following his brother on the way on their car

Jimin sit on the passenger seat whilst Jeonghan is the one who drove.

The grocery shop is a little bit far away from their home, maybe about twenty minutes of driving

"Hyung, do you even spend time with friends of yours? The one who helped us?," Jimin asks out of the blue

Jeonghan then hummed, still staring on the road

"Yeah of course. Just often, I want to spend a lot of time with you babe," he teased again

Jimin punch his arm slightly because he is fucking driving

"Dude, stop calling me like that, it's gross," he said and he looked back to thw window

Jeonghan then laugh and stopped driving because it's traffic

"Why? You don't like it? You should find a relationship that can fit you, hon," he said in a serious tone

Jimin then stare at him, "Is that even a request? Bitch, I am not ready for that, and I'm trying to figure out my real gender," he said and Jeonghan starts to drove again

"Why? Don't tell me ....... you're gay," he said with his fake wide eyes

Jimin then glare at him, "The hell, I'm trying to figure it out okay," he said and ignore his laughing brother

The two arrived at their destination

Jeonghan is the one who's pushing the cart cause Jimin is lazy for doing it, that kid.......

Jimin took a two packs of gummy bears on the cart

"Really? You're going to eat these?," Jeonghan asks while laughing and holding the gummy bears

Jimin rolled his eyes and went to the other side to take some strawberry milk and put it again on the cart

Jeonghan just let his brother since he is just a kid, lmao.

Whilst Jeonghan is putting some energy drink to his cart, while Jimin is happily putting some sweet foods on the cart

The two went home after their one hour shopping, Jeonghan almost run out of money that he bring because of Jimin's gummy bears and strawberry milks, thankfully Jimin bought a money with him in case Jeonghan will bankrupt, lmao.

"Really? Jimin? You brat, you made me embarrassed in front of that cashier," Jeonghan said and rubbed his face

Jimin just laugh instead of scared of Jeonghan

"Sorry hyung, I promise I will not do that again. Thankyou for the snacks, loveyou," Jimin said in a sweet voice, trying to calm Jeonghan down

Jeonghan just sigh, and he ruffles Jimin's hair instead of hit him.

Jimin smile at him cutely that makes Jeonghan adore him more

"Stop acting cute Jimin. And go to your room already, I'll call you if the dinner is ready," he said and went back to the kitchen

Jimin then happily went to his room.


Thank you for reading!!


𝑨 𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔➣ 𝐁𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now