Your POV
The feeling slowly came back to your body as he spoke those words and they remained circling in your mind as you slowly made your way downstairs with Harry’s arm around your waist supporting you. You felt the pain. Every single cut, bruise, scratch, and exposed piece of skin ached on your body, but you were ok with that. It wasn’t internal anymore. It was bearable.
Harry wanted you to sleep because truthfully, you were exhausted. But you had to see Macey, and Niall, and Sam, just everyone. You had to make sure that everyone truly was ok...and get something to eat.
Your foot connected with the floor as you finally finished the stupid steps. You smiled weakly at Harry who seemed to regain all his energy from the moment you spoke. He’s so sweet. You continued walking with him through the warm house and heard a commotion from outside. Must be the cops. You sighed inwardly, trying desperately not to relive the events that had just happened. The events that almost cost you your life. As you grew closer to your destination, the beautiful sound of your friend’s voices filled your ears. Regaining strength suddenly, you wiggled out of Harry’s grip and ran as fast as your injured body could carry you. You ran into the living room and spotted Macey immediately, sipping water from a glass and smiling at something Louis was telling her. You ran to her and through your arms around her, hugging her tightly. She hesitated for a moment, in shock, then handed her drink to Lou and hugged you back as tightly as she could. You were both weak, but weakness didn’t matter. A pulse did. The room grew silent as everyone watched you two hug and cry silently. You buried your face into her warm shoulder and let the tears fall.
“Thank you.” You whispered to her. She pulled away, keeping her hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eyes.
“Never thank me for this again.” She said softly. Her tone was hard, but her eyes were sympathetic, silently replying with ‘You’re welcome’. You nodded and wiped away her tears and you both laughed weekly. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned your head slightly to see Niall. He was fully clothed and cleaned up and had a small smile place on his face. Relief and love flushed through your veins when you saw him. Your smiled widened and you through your arms around his neck and hugged him with every ounce of strength you could muster from the walking corpse you were. He stumbled backwards and held you close to him and you pressed your lips to his cheek softly.
He pulled back and searched your eyes and you did the same to his, finding nothing but happiness, relief, and friendship.
“I’m so glad you’re ok.” He said softly in his Irish accent. You laughed wiping the single tear that had fallen and he scruffed your hair, kissing your forehead softly.
After that you hugged Sandy, then Lou, Zayn, and Liam, exchanging small comforting words and imprinting the moments in your minds. Then everyone went outside to speak to the officers who had arrived at the scene except for you and Sam. The room cleared out and you looked at her, but she wouldn’t look you in the eyes. You reached out and touched her shoulder, and turned her to face you gently. She looked terrible, almost as if she’d gone through the whole thing herself. Well, in a way, she kind of did. This was the third time she almost lost her best friend.
You brushed strands of her curly hair out of her face and wiped the tears off her cheek, trying hard not to break down yourself.
“Don’t cry.” You whisper to her and her hazel eyes travel up to lock with hers. She takes a deep breath and forces a smile.
“Don’t scare me like that ever again.” She replied back simply. A smile stretched on your face as you pulled her in for a bone crunching hug. She grasped the back of your shirt tightly and you smiled to yourself, closing your eyes. You hadn’t had much time with her lately and moments like this made you realize just how important it is for you to keep her close.
“I love you ok?” She whispers, pulling away smiling at you.
“I love you too Sammy.” She laughed at your old nickname use and grabbed her phone out of her pocket, reading a text.
“Niall says the police need to talk to you now.” She beamed at the sound of her own boyfriend’s name.
“You really love him huh?”
“More than you know.”
“I know the feeling.” You replied, letting your thoughts drift back to Harry. The boy you couldn’t love more. Sam winked at you, then grabbed your hand.
“Let’s go.” She smiled, leading you out the back door. The front was packed with people already. It’s hard to imagine you hadn’t even noticed all the commotion until now.
You both walked outside discussing what was about to happen when you turned the corner and saw something you never thought you would see.
“I just hope they don’t ask me to-” You cut Sam off by covering her mouth and pulling her back around the corner. “What? What happened?” She whispered.
“Look. Quitely.” You instructed. You both peered your heads around the corner of the cabin and went wide eyed at what you saw. Macey was leaning against the wall of the cabin, laughing at a smiling Lou stood close in front of her.
“Oh shut up.” Macey laughed harder at whatever Lou had said.
“It’s true.” He smiled down at her, hands in his pockets. When she finally sobered up her laughter, they locked eyes. She broke the connection and looked down nervously, her hair falling in her face. He stepped closer to her and tucked the hair behind her ear, tilting her chin up so they looked eyes again.
“You’re so pretty.” He whispered to her. She smiled.
“You are too.” She said and he laughed, leaned in, and pressed his lips to hers tenderly. She wrapped his arms around his neck after a second, and he placed his around her waist. Sam pulled you back and looked at you, clearly as shocked as you were.
What about El?

Only You
FanfictionA Little More Detail Harry walking into that small bakery you worked at that night was the best thing that ever happened to you. You found love, you enjoyed every waking moment of your life, grew closer to your best friend, and made 4 new ones all t...