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chapter ten | GOBLET OF FIRE


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ITS BEEN A GREAT SUMMER for rubi. she's introduced cedric to her parents and they loved him so much. the only person who had an attitude was percy but he always has an attitude.

cedric told her he would come around one day. but only if cedric knew that percy was a selfish prat that would never change.

ron grew over the summer. he was now towering over her and she hated it. her family have been making fun of her height. even cedric has started making fun of her.

its quite annoying the fact he's getting closer to her family. she has to admit, she is a bit jealous. not because they're taking away cedric away from her but because cedric is taking them away from her.

currently rubi is having the time of her life in her room because she was playing exploding snap with her brothers and she kept on winning.

"suck on that bitches!" she yells while throwing the cards up in the air.

"watch your mouth rubi ornella weasley!"

rubi winces when she hears her mother shouting from downstairs. fred and george smile smugly at her. she quickly flicks them both off.

suddenly the door burst open and ron comes squealing inside. "harry is coming with us to the quidditch world cup." he jumps on to rubi's bed jumping up and down.

"awe your boyfriend is coming with us ron?" fred smiles sweetly at him. ron nods excitedly but stops jumping in realization.

"did you just say harry is my boyfriend?" ron asks glaring. fred rolls his eyes. "well you surely act like if your in love with him ron." rubi says raising an eyebrow at him.

george wipes away fake tears from his eyes. "are brother is finally confessing to us his sexuality."

all three of them pretend to sob. ron glares at them. they stand up and pull ron in to a tight embrace. ron grumbles swear words under his breath.

he pushes them away aggressively. "get away you peasants." he sticks his tongue out at them. once again the door burst open to ginny standing there grinning.

"harry is coming?" ron nods excitedly. ginny blushes. "im gonna go clean my room and pick out some nice outfits." she bites her lip before skipping off.

"well it seems as if another weasley is in love with harry." ron smacks the top of rubi's head with a pillow.

rubi immediately whips around. everything goes by so quick. ron ends up on the floor with rubi kneeing him on his chest with her wand on his neck.

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