Tw mental abuse/ cussing
At lunchtime tubbo always just borrowed food from his friends. Eventually, it was the time tubbo was dreading the end of the school day. None of his friends knew about tubbos bad home life none of them knew where tubbo even livedNone of them lived in good condition this town was a shithole.
But at least none of them lived in a two-bedroom trailer with no food in it and tiny holes in the roof.
So every day he would walk home by himself. He was about to enter in when he heard a high pitched scream, tubbo automatically knew who it was, quackity! He knew his father couldn't say any hurtful words
He listened in to the conversation "why the hell did you tare apart the stuffed animal"
"I don't know I can't remember anything from last"
"You need help jschlatt."
Quackity stormed off.
Tubbo opened the door "shit" quackity murmured under his breath"Bye tubbo" he rushed out the door well that hope of his father not being able to say rude things were gone
"Tubbo rolled his eyes they sounded like an old married couple when they fought
He tried walking to his room but his father stopped him "look kid im sorry about your stuffed animal" Tubbo stood there for a second he usually didn't say sorry he just pretended it didn't happen
"It's fine" Tubbo murmured he went back to his room annoyed at his father.
The week past the new kid was getting picked on because of his messy clothing and hair
One day we'll getting picked on he called out the name "techno" all of a sudden an older kid came out
"So what were you saying about my brother?"
"Fuck" the boy murmured
The older boy started beating the kid up from that day on nobody messed with him but at the same time, it just made it harder for him to make friends.
Tubbo felt bad for him sometimes but not often his messy shirts made him mad. it was just around Christmas time when jschlatt got very mad at tubbo again
He found out tubbo had got a c on the text. It was the class that tubbo hated the most, science.
He slowly walked home but this just got him in more trouble.
"Why the hell weren't you here 15 minutes ago." Jschlatts cold voice said
"Me and my friends were talking about what we were going to do over Christmas break"
Usually, jschlatt wouldn't get mad at him for getting an f but something was different today he didn't want to tell his father he got a bad grade.
He had to tell him it would come out eventually. "Don't do it again."
He started to walk out but something told him to tell his father.
"Dad I got a c on the science text today"
Jschlatt looked at him and automatically tubbo knew he was in trouble.
"What the fuck did you just say"
Jschlatts voice was cold
"I got a c on a text today"
"You little brat I do so much for you and you can't even get a good grade on a text? There's a reason you're a goddamn disappointment." Schlatt got up from the couch and started walking over to Tubbos room.Tubbo quickly followed. His father never went into his room it was tubbos space a place where he could get away from his
his shit life.Jschlatt went to his bed area and started ripping up the old pillow and then walked over to tubbo and started to scream more "I do so much for you I tried to have a stable life for you but you make it so hard do you wanna know why we live in this shit town and a shit house it's because of you."
Tubbo has heard all of the other things before but never anything like this. He usually just screamed at him just random things like how he was disappointed. The fact that he was blaming this on tubbo made him mad.
"I WISH YOU WERNT MY FATHER" Tubbo screamed. Jschlatt looked shocked
Tubbo never spoke back usually he would just sit and blink back tears."Don't you ever yell at me again"
He walked out but before he opened the door he kicked a huge hole through it.As he was walking away he screamed something about no tv it didn't matter his door had a massive hole in it. He couldn't cry without his father hearing and coming to yell at him.
He couldn't hide from the real world. Kids often told him that tubbo was gonna go to hell because of his horns it didn't bother him because he knew he was already there.
822 words
Thanks for reading 😊
Sorry it's so short and all over

Beer and bees (discontinued)
FanfictionJschlatt ends up with a kid A kid he didn't want, But a kid he tried his best to take care of.