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The boy looks her deep in the eyes. His gaze scares her but she can't move nor scream for Haechan, as she knew he would get mad. The boy's dark and beautiful eyes leave hers as he looks towards the door, listening for a sound. She admires his side profile as his features capture her attention.

The chiseled jaw, sticking out a bit but in a cute way, the plump lips and the eyes, gosh those eyes. Who is he?

The boy looks at her once again, holding his index finger on his lips and letting go of her, his right hand still behind Lana's head as he leans towards her. She can almost feel his breath hitting her cheek. His hair is wet, did it snow again? Did Haechan go out this late at night?

"So you're the sister?" the boy whispers, taking his finger towards Lana's jaw and dragging across her skin.

The sudden touch makes her flinch and turn her head away.

"A pretty one"

He smiles, teeth creating a perfect row and his upper lip curling against them. Lana did not take his words as a compliment and she swallows, her curiosity for the boy disappeared like a cold wind in the summer. She would NOT be treated like some sort of toy.

"Get. away. from. me" Lana whispers angrily, an emphasis on every word, showing her teeth while the words hisses through them.

The boy stiffens, but still smiling at her, not moving away. She pushes him away from her, but only lightly, she didn't want to make any sounds to disturb Haechan. He did want her to get a good nights sleep.

A knock enters their eardrums. Lana turns her head toward the door and then back to the boy, her frightened eyes looking his, trying to stay calm.

"shi-" she hears him whisper.

"Yah, are you done? We need to continue"

Haecan's voice could be heard, but only as a whisper with the goal of not waking Lana up. Little did he know.

"Soon, okay Hae?" the boy says, looking her dead in the eyes. Almost as the girls at school does, but this felt different in the lower region of her stomach.

"I'll leave first okay?" he whispers and leans in toward her ear once again, warm breath hitting her soft skin.

"It was a pleasure meeting you"

He left her standing with an open jaw as he carefully opened the door and snuck out, turning the light of in the bathroom to not awake any suspicion.

Lana left a minute later, heart pounding in her chest. For being a very introverted person, this was very groundbreaking for Lana.

To be that close to a boy, it made her sweat.

She got back to her room and laid down in her bed, dragging the sheets up to her nose and enjoying the warmth. The questions and event still circling in her head, she fell asleep.

a/n: Stay Safe! and Happy Holidays!!!

a/n: edited 21/01/17

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