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hey, i just wanted to come on here and say that y'all are so nice 🥺 i was kind of scared to come out but all the love i've been sent has been phenomenal and i'm so grateful for all of you 🤍

anyway, here y'all go! don't forget to keep scrolling to the end note that was updated today as well!

edited: april 7, 2021

Percy waits six days before taking the letters with him to the infirmary. He looks down at (Y/N)'s sleeping form, sadness and regret filling him at the fact that she hasn't woken up yet. "Mornin', Perce," Grover mumbles, half-asleep as he droops in a chair by her bedside. Percy sighs at the sight of his best friend.

Grover and Annabeth have been staying in the infirmary the whole time, barely getting any sleep and neglecting their training to make sure that (Y/N) is okay.

Chiron allowed it without a second thought.

Percy, on the other hand, has only dropped in for a few minutes each day to check up on her. He trains alone, swims for hours on end, or busies himself with organizing his cabin to keep his mind off of her, knowing that he doesn't deserve to stay by her side.

That's reserved for her true friends.

Percy lost that title.

"Hey, G-man. Are Chiron and Annabeth around?" Grover grumbles as a response, waving a hand to the other side of the infirmary. Annabeth looks over, seeing Percy with an envelope in his hands, and her stomach drops. She pats Chiron's shoulder, nodding her head over to (Y/N)'s bed and signifying that he should walk with her.

"Good morning, Percy," Chiron greets, and the boy nods in response, the action stiff.

"Is something wrong?" Annabeth asks, already knowing but not wanting to believe it.

Percy lifts up the envelope from his side, looking down at it and bringing it to Grover's attention. "What's that?" the satyr perks up, leaning forward as Percy answers his question.

"I found it in (Y/N)'s cabin. It's for y-... us. The four of us," he clarifies, holding it out to Annabeth. She looks at her best friend's handwriting before reaching inside the envelope and pulling out the folded sheets of paper. She opens them, looking at the page at the very front as her throat closes.

Annabeth takes a deep breath before reading, Chiron and Grover carefully listening to her words as Percy looks down at his feet, the words already memorized to perfection. "— just remember that you all are some of the most important people in the world to me," Annabeth finishes, her voice growing quiet as she reads the unconscious girl's name signed in Greek at the bottom of the note, "(Y/N)."

The group remains quiet as Annabeth moves the paper to the end of the thin stack of five, looking at the name in the titling area of the top of the sheet. "Chiron," she reads, pulling the paper out and giving it to him, "this one's for you."

The centaur hesitates before taking it, folding it in half without looking at the words and keeping it by his side.

Annabeth pauses, this name written in regular English, and she deciphers some of the letters before speaking. "Grover," he pulls the letter from Annabeth's hand, setting it face-down on the bedside table.

"This one's mine," she pauses, flipping behind it and removing the paper after, "and that's yours, Percy." He takes the letter, staring at his name before folding it into quarters and slipping it into his pocket.

The four look down at (Y/N), identical emotions reaching them at the sight of her still form, the only indications of life being the gentle rise and fall of her chest and occasional movement behind her eyelids. Without another word, Annabeth leaves to go get some more supplies, folding her letter and putting it back in the envelope with the main note.

Rise (Percy Jackson x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt