𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊. the capitol's games

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IT'S NUMBINGLY COLD. I'M FAINTLY aware of sparkling lights at the edge of my vision and try to turn, feeling as if I'm listlessly floating in a fog. I realize it's the chandelier back at the Justice Building. Everything is dark and dull, with intervals of flashing lights.

My eyelashes are holding unshed tears. Am I back at the Training Center? Everything is so dark and cold. Am I dead?

The silence is permeated by a sharp beeping noise, and I painfully force my eyes open. Not dead, then.

The first thing I see when I wake up is a set of fangs, which doesn't do very well for my mental state. Then I realize the fangs are attached to a woman, not a moose, and I calm down. Somewhat.

My vision swims slightly when I try to sit up. My limbs feel weaker than they have ever felt before. "Where's Clove?" I manage to croak.

Enobaria hisses at me from where she's standing at the foot of my bed. "Your girl is fine. Pissed off, but that's nothing new. Punched me in the face when she woke up, in fact."

I register the purplish bruise on her cheek. "What happened?" I ask. My throat feels raw and rough, like sandpaper. The white walls of the room are blinding. My head hurts.

"You were both about to die like the stupid lovestruck fools you are," says Enobaria, looking like she's holding back to urge to lunge across the room and rip my head off. "The Gamemakers decided to rescue you. Both of you."

"What?" The memories come back to me in flashes of light. Cato slicing me in the ribs. Clove reopening her wound to save my life. The blood. "What... The Capitol allowed for two victors?"

"No," she says flatly. "Seneca Crane made the decision, as I've heard. He's getting executed in a few weeks."

"What?" I cry, attempting again to sit up. Then I realize there's some kind of band holding me in place and stop. "I don't... Why?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" Enobaria bares her teeth, and I have to shake my head to clear away the memories of the dark forest and the mutts. "The Capitol audience loves it. They think you two are in love and it's wonderful, blah blah fucking blah. Makes me sick. And the districts see it as a sign of rebellion."

"Rebellion?" I feel slightly faint. "How come? We didn't..."

"Oh, you very much did." Enobaria crosses her arms and leans back against the wall. "Remember your little ally? The one you covered in flowers when she died?"

"Yes, but—"

"Well, guess what. After they witnessed that, District Eleven rioted. You proved that that little girl was more than just another nameless dead tribute, and it gave Eleven the fuel they needed."

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