
also... hypothetically... i might have something new coming soon...
          	seems like i can't watch poto without feeling inspired :)
          	(yes i will finish the series, but only once i get through the cringe and figure out how to best navigate the ending <3)


i am not in fact past the point of no return because i’m back (idk for how long but i’m here LOOOL)


@candlesandroses21 thank you so much !!! :') literally i missed everyone so much like why do i need to have a big girl job ??


Hellooooo!! How are ya?❤ I really love your POTO saga, I'm finishing the first book, but actually I'm a bit afraid to continue because I know that the story doesn't still have an ending... Will you update soon?❤❤❤


hiii !! aww you sweet thing tysm <3 i’m trying to figure out the best way i want to approach the ending, but i’ll publish as soon as i do !!


LIFE UPDATE: It’s been a minute !!
          First things first, I missed you guys so much ?? Life has been crazy busy, but even though I haven’t been super active, I’ve been popping in and out and literally you guys never fail to make my day <33
          Second of all, I will be continuing ALL of my unfinished books at some point or another… it’s just that some are sooner than others LOL. But I will be working on “Ma Cherie” and “The Man Clad in Black” series first, and will branch out from there!
          Note: I have to go back and reread my notes and the overall story, just to make sure I get details right, so updates will start once I do! (Lowkey nervous because my writing has changed so much, and I feel like I’ll cringe just because we stan growth LOL)
          I don’t have an exact date as to when I’ll be updating, but rest assured that I’ll be rereading and finishing these stories. I’ll try to update before Christmastime this year— if not, hopefully sooner  <33 
          Again, I love you all dearly, and know that I greatly appreciate your support. I’ll see you all soon !!
          Lots of love,
          That Broadway Geek
          (Aka, an author who loves you <33)


@cybernet_baguette Honestly that makes sense XD def went radio silent for a hot minute


@dainty-jewelry THANK YOU !! I MISSED YOU MORE <333


Hey everyone! Long time no see! I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been on this account in ages, and chances are, in a little bit, I won’t be online again for a hot minute…
          However, as of right now, your girl has COVID :) I’m actually doing okay— just feeling under the weather, and remembered how much I loved creative writing, especially regarding fanfics and whatnot <3
          I missed you guys, and even tho I can’t be on here often, I’m sending all the love <3


i’m super late to the conversation but hope you’re well, wishing you all the best <3


@---madness--- I hope you feel well soon, take your time and don't worry. I hope you have a smooth recovery. ❤❤❤


Wow y’all— it’s been a hot minute :)
          Lo siento !! I miss all of you though, and now that I’m home, (hopefully) I’ll be updating soon!


welcome back!! hope you’re doing well :)))


@---madness--- aaaa! i look forward to it! it's good to see you again! :)