
Chapter 22 posted, I completely forgot to post this last night * crying *


Shall we play a game of Guess-The-British-Weather? If you guessed torrential rain, you would be abso-fcking-lutely correct. So much so my street is beginning to flood :,)


@-EJWrites- LOL. I've seen clips on tiktok, where some parts are flooded, but as it's sunny and warm, people are splashing about and playing in it. Lol. Not many countries can have sun, rain, hail, snow and heavy winds all at the same time. Even I summer, got to pack an umbrella and raincoat, just in case 


@pmjc88 True, it's only just stopped raining now xd. I think Wednesday was the worst for me, cause it was warm and sunny, then windy and rainy and at some point during the day it may have hailstoned


@-EJWrites- it's a typical British thing, experiencing at least 3 different weather's in the space of 10 minutes. Lol. Last week we had hail, rain, sun and high winds before 9am Tuesday. lol. X


Why doesn't anyone talk about how banging the Fall Guys music is???
          It is the literal best like wtf-?


@herospark_518 It's so friking good! I swear I jst play it for the music atp


Need ideas for Little Spark oneshots. Anyone got any? Or even small ones I can put into a one-shot?


@CMcompany02 Hey its okay, don't apologise!!


I'm terribly sorry for making you waiste your time, maybe the courage will come up later. But still i'm really sorry


@CMcompany02 No sorry, I dont have any other social medias, its okay, I respect ur decision :)


as a fellow romanogers shipper, i'm just here to say thank you for shipping romanogers. people like you actually increase my faith in humanity :D


@EnchantressCottage Hahaaaaa heyyyyy fellow Romanogers shipper :D I honestly dont really mind who people ship Natasha or Steve with as long as it makes sense (Winterwidow, Blackwidow etc) Just... not Brutasha 


Chapter 19 out now! Updates may come slower than usual due to school and me being pretty busy (only will get busier as I prepare to move house) but I'll try get them out whenever I can
          I just published "❊ Chapter nineteen - Departure of the Widow ❊" of my story "Ray of Light". https://www.wattpad.com/1439105829?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=-EJWrites-


can you please make a discord account or give me your name if you already have one? i need a groupchat with my friends :) 
          (copy n paste on a lot of people‘s profiles bc i‘m lazy)


@planetaryfire Sorry, I dont have discord and I dont think I'd be able to get it (reasons I'd rather not say). Tysm for the offer tho!! :) Hope you get to add other ppl tho :D 