
For all my UK reader friends, popping a link for my Vinted here on my wall as I'm trying to unhaul some of my current collection. Just of books I've picked and have no interest in reading anymore, or some books from my university course I no longer need that people might be interested in. Offers open to anyone interested in any of them!


For all my UK reader friends, popping a link for my Vinted here on my wall as I'm trying to unhaul some of my current collection. Just of books I've picked and have no interest in reading anymore, or some books from my university course I no longer need that people might be interested in. Offers open to anyone interested in any of them!


Is it possible to divide volume two of Absolution please?


@Taenyra_Mikaelson Yeah if you want to do it that way, go ahead!


Happy Bridgerton day! Can I ask that people please, please avoid posting any spoilers? I've decided not to watch until the second half of the season has dropped, so I can get through it all at once, and I'd like to not have anything ruined for me before then. 
          And it is also considerate for those that are unable to watch today for other reasons! 


@Soph359 that will be impossible  I know for experience, that's why I didn't (and won't for the same reason) get in tiktok for day so I don't spoiler myself for the movie The Tearmith and I think My Fault 


I promise I've not abandoned my account or my books, but I've been focused on job hunting lately and some other stuff going on. I will be back updating as soon as I can! 


@-GossipRiley  can you make a story of  Kol's daughter starting from the moment Elijah came to Mystic falls. Hes been raising her since Kol got daggered and stuff. Then possobly leading to new orleans. Just a suggestion


hiii love your audrey gilbert’s books! idk how many time i reread the books :)


Currently reading The Fine Print by Lauren Asher. I've heard good and bad things about the Dreamland Billionaires series. I'm seven chapters in and currently...I hope this man gets much better as so far I just want to throttle him.
          Perhaps reading The Reappearance of Rachel Price before starting this series was a bad idea. That was such a good story, I was hooked and finished it within a day. Holly Jackson never fails with her books. It has set my expectations for my next read so high 


Just a little thing: Once the messaging system is gone, if wattpad goes through with it, I will not be accepting translation requests for a while. Just because I already struggle with keeping track of them, without messages to look back on, it's going to be a pain to organize.
          I might start accepting them eventually if people do truly want to do it, but for now, check the translation list I have on my page to see if it is already being translated into the specific language you want!


I really hope they don’t go through with it. 


This new update coming feels like when they removed the newsfeed. No one wanted it to go and they did it anyway.  They're gonna lose so many users getting rid of the messaging system. It's like wattpad wants us all to move to AO3


@-GossipRiley Oh I didn't know they were removing a bunch of stuff 
            At this point, I might just transport everything to AO3 and finally start writing spicy fanfiction lmao


@-GossipRiley right?! I'm really missing the old wattpad...


I still can't believe they remove Newsfeed from the app now the private messages 