
Hello, everyone!
          	Chapter 12 of the Unbound section of The King's Remorse, titled 'Make Things Right' has been published. I had to take an extra two weeks to work on it and finish it up since it has been a very hectic month packed with what has felt like everything haha
          	But it's done and is published and ended up at about twice-ish the length of previous chapters. With Chapter 12 of Unbound comes the halfway point of The King's Remorse, and it's a bit hard to believe I'm already halfway through it! I look forward to sharing the remaining three sections!
          	The ending of chapter 11 plays out, and Jabez sees a face he does not want to and does not react well to, the trouble hits a breaking point, and someone uses a very powerful spell with big consequences. Also: there's some character art I did from about four years ago since I decided that fit better than trying to redo a piece I still like
          	Really just no one is having a good time
          	I hope you are having a good week though!
          	Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          Chapter 12 of the Unbound section of The King's Remorse, titled 'Make Things Right' has been published. I had to take an extra two weeks to work on it and finish it up since it has been a very hectic month packed with what has felt like everything haha
          But it's done and is published and ended up at about twice-ish the length of previous chapters. With Chapter 12 of Unbound comes the halfway point of The King's Remorse, and it's a bit hard to believe I'm already halfway through it! I look forward to sharing the remaining three sections!
          The ending of chapter 11 plays out, and Jabez sees a face he does not want to and does not react well to, the trouble hits a breaking point, and someone uses a very powerful spell with big consequences. Also: there's some character art I did from about four years ago since I decided that fit better than trying to redo a piece I still like
          Really just no one is having a good time
          I hope you are having a good week though!
          Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          Chapter 11, One by One, has been published in the Unbound section of The King's Remorse!
          After this chapter, there is only one more before the end of Unbound and the halfway point in The King's Remorse!
          Jabez's newfound ally brings him and others to a potential source of help, but with that comes trouble
          I hope you have a great weekend!
          Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          Chapter 10 of The King's Remorse, Monsters Do Monstrous Things, has been published!
          Jabez's attempt at starting on a path toward recovery starts off rocky, and he soon faces a massive disruption that could derail everything he's hoped for
          I hope you're all having a great week!
          Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          No update for The King's Remorse this week. I know the story didn't get an update last week, but I was really hoping I'd be able to finish up the chapter and do a quick sketch for the chapter and post it this week. Unfortunately, however, that did not happen. This week was beyond hectic and chaotic, and I had very little free time, much less time I could devote to writing The King's Remorse
          I hope next week, but considering how this week has gone, I cannot make any promises. But when I get the chance, I'll be sharing the next piece in the story of The King's Remorse, and I will also be diving back into some of the amazing stories here!
          I hope you're all having a great April!
          Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          Chapter 9, You Are Safe, of The King's Remorse's Unbound section has been posted
          Jabez is faced with a big shift in scenery and struggles to cope
          **Please note the warnings!! This chapter does have some more heavy elements than other chapters in Jabez's section**
          I hope you're having a great weekend!
          Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          Chapter 8 of The King's Remorse Unbound section has been published. Titled 'Then Things Changed', it's an important chapter for both Jabez and the story.
          The short-term effects of Jabez's choice begin to play out, and Jabez ends up with some big changes in his paws
          I hope you have a great week!
          Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          Happy almost Saint Patrick's Day to those who celebrate!
          Chapter 7, Lost in the Current, of the Unbound section of The King's Remorse has been posted!
          Things come to a head for Jabez in this chapter, and he makes a choice he hopes isn't the wrong one
          I hope you have a great week!
          Wolf :)


Hello, everyone!
          Happy International Women's Day to all women everywhere!
          No update today for The King's Remorse. Life has been swamped for me the last few weeks. I have a good chunk done on the upcoming chapter, but I haven't been able to finish it yet and I only want to post chapters that I'm happy with. I won't be around likely at all this coming week, but either next Friday or the Friday after (one or two weeks) I will post the next chapter for The King's Remorse
          It is chapter 7 of the Unbound section of The King's Remorse and will be titled 'Lost in the Current'
          Again, Happy International Women's Day!
          Wolf :)


@-Werewolf14- Of course! That's awesome. Yeah sometimes a chapter can be better off split up to keep up with tone and pacing ^.^


@-Werewolf14- no rush. Thanks for reading my stories ❤️ 


@TheQueenofGremlins || Thanks! I appreciate it. Was able to post the next chapter today. Figured out that I really should just split the chapter into two haha  would've otherwise been a long chapter in comparison and would've been complicated to get the pacing right


Hello, everyone!
          I have just published the next chapter, "He's Nobody" in The King's Remorse. It's chapter 6 of the Unbound section
          The King reveals some more about the unfamiliar face, but when some friends show up, Jabez is faced with a very difficult situation and has to make a tough decision
          I hope you have a great week!
          Wolf :)