
hypothetically if u think someone has stolen the name and general plot of one of ur stories but changed it to a different member of the same band wtf do u do xxxxx absolutely baffled i dont want to get in wattpad beef i never use it to post stuff anymore but it kinda feels bad </3


actually looking at it wattpad says you cant report a story for having the same name or general plot  only exact quotes which there are none of but it is literally the same exact story i kinda wanna cry lol but theres not much i can do about it now ig


@gabsballadofbedford yeah i was quite fumed when i saw it so im just going to report it but it does suck, its literally the same name as my george fic and a similar story except they've written it about matty and changed the oc's job from a photographer to a graphic designer like its too similar to be a coincedence :/


@heartsforkailer idk if its worth messaging so i think i will just report xx thank you


hypothetically if u think someone has stolen the name and general plot of one of ur stories but changed it to a different member of the same band wtf do u do xxxxx absolutely baffled i dont want to get in wattpad beef i never use it to post stuff anymore but it kinda feels bad </3


actually looking at it wattpad says you cant report a story for having the same name or general plot  only exact quotes which there are none of but it is literally the same exact story i kinda wanna cry lol but theres not much i can do about it now ig


@gabsballadofbedford yeah i was quite fumed when i saw it so im just going to report it but it does suck, its literally the same name as my george fic and a similar story except they've written it about matty and changed the oc's job from a photographer to a graphic designer like its too similar to be a coincedence :/


@heartsforkailer idk if its worth messaging so i think i will just report xx thank you


um hi! so i have basically a whole 60 page fanfic about george from the 1975 written but i feel like it would flop, i also think its decently written but i cant modify it to be about someone else unless i make it an au.
          would anyone want to read it or should i scrap it ?


@thetrail omg thank u! i've had some time off wattpad but i think its too much of a waste if i dont so i'll start touching it up and get to posting !


i wanna read it


HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM LONDON TOWNNN xxx idk how many of you are british but we're an hour and a half into 2021 and i feel absolutely no different, but i do want to thank each and every one of you who has followed, read, voted or commented on any of my books this year. i love you all, thank you loads xxx 
          lets hope 2021 is at least a little bit better xx


@bittersweetsymphony- i only just saw this, very sorry for being late, but i hope 2021 treats you well <33


happy new year from suffolk, england xxxxxxxx


ok basically i've got 50ish chapters of a george daniel (if u don't know him he is the drummer from the 1975 and he is fine) fic written and i want to end it on 60 chapters but i have hit a BLOCK idk what to do soooo um this is me just ranting and hoping inspiration strikes have a good day xxxx


thank you my darling!! thats a good shout too i need to get on pinterest its just such become such a struggle recently! idk how u do it i really don't <33


Wait it out, look on Pinterest for inspiration and most of all don’t rush the process I’m sure it’ll be brilliant! ❤️


heyoooooo so i’m back again, actually enjoying writing a book that’s a bit different from it/stranger things. it’s a wroetoshaw/w2s/harry lewis book. might appeal more to the brits among my followers if there are any? he’s in the sidemen n stuff, give em a follow they’re quality. so just letting you know that’s coming soon!! not too sure how long i’m going to continue the plot on for as i’ve got so very many ideas but it’s coming soon ish i’d say!! so keep your eyes peeled lovelies xxxx