

@WhiteBird32 sure will do!! pls do read mine as well as soon as i start writing and if u like it then recommend it as well:)


Hey dear, welcome to wattpad and I wish you all the best with your writing journey. 
          Writing part of your book is okay but make you to make paragraphs like in the introduction part of male and female lead, when you wrote about you male lead character you wrote everything in a long paragraph. 
          So dear just change this part and try to make small paragraph thought you are writing long description that's completely okay but try to make paragraphs within it, otherwise your writings will look messy. 
          And try to make introduction the character through a scene this will make your chapters longer and descriptive. 
          And don't do the mistake of introducing the other characters of the book in a single different page, means I see many writers do that.... But try to introduce those characters through scenes, this will make your chapters longer and will make attractive... 
          So these were my few tips and tricks, I hope this will help you a lot and one more thing dear, write only because you love writing but not to please readers. 
          Sometime you will feel sad because of lack of response of readers because nowadays people only like to read smut and this way only smut writers are gaining attention but don't worry if you need any help do text. 
          Finally all the best and do you best.. 
          Lots of love ❤❤❤❤


@4eversereinlover2004   First start writing then I will recommend your book on my chapter 


@4eversereinlover2004  You can message me on my insta account - Summerymango. 


@summerymango hey i just realised that your book is in my tbr .....i was waiting for you to complete it because am not that fond of ongoing books ...i read a few chaps and am looking forward to your writing....