
You may have noticed Destiny Enslaved is changing 
          	As such, I welcome feedback. If you have strong opinions on anything, please dm me or comment 
          	I'm open to learn  
          	I hope you all have a wonderful day x


Quick question, do you post any of your stories on AO3?


@Koiiro, no problem . Thank you for being concerned and reaching out xx


@AIMagnus That's fine, just wanted to make sure after finding Destiny Enslaved posted over there.


@Koiiro sometimes 
            But I have been lax in updating it 
            As I have here 


So, hi 
          I know it's odd for me to be here 
          But I am 
          I juat wanted to pop up and say
          How's it going?
          I'm pretty good, found out I have adhd and I'm autistic so things are "clicking" in my head allowing me to understand myself more
          Including my fears - like doing this!
          I get terrified of sharing because I don't want to unintentionally offend (if I do correct me, I'm here to learn)
          Anyone else feel this way?
          Have a lovely day and thank you for being part of the world xxx


Hello all the day has come!
          The first four parts of my supernatural cosy mystery is up ! 
          Embrace the ABBA spirit and Take a chance on me !
          Also a little side life update: currently posting from a and e because I have cut the digital?  Nerve in my index finger   


hello, you delightful souls,
          a new chapter of Destiny Enslaved is coming this Friday
          and oh my god - I just, I can't believe it's here!
          It's definitely been the slow boat but finally - FINALLY- I present to you Kattegat!
          it's been a long and winding road - and there are many more twists to come!
          I hope you enjoy  and have a blessed day xx