
Hey guys it’s been awhile. I wanted to apologize for dropping off the face of the planet, but I had my reasons and I’m ready to tell you now. My personal information was being leaked, like my school and where I lived, which is absolutely terrifying that anyone on the internet could have access to that. I was also receiving threats for certain things in my books, such as not have a poc main character. I was scared and I decided to drop all my socials at once before things got worse. I know I should have said something, and I apologize, but it was for my own safety. As for writing, I’ve stopped for the time being for mental health reasons, but I hope that one day I can start again and give you guys the story you’ve been waiting for. Thanks for understanding.


@AVGrenier ready when you are girly ❤️


take care of yourself love <3 you don't owe anyone anything and never apologize for putting yourself first 


sending love, it’s cruel that people crushed your love for writing just like that


hey amelie!! even if you never see this, i just wanted you to know that i’m grateful for you and hope 2023 is an amazing year for you!! ring of gold was the book that finally got me interested in reading again, and i’ve been reading nonstop ever since! it even inspired me to start writing again, and lately i’ve been using that as a personal outlet, writing stuff that i know nobody will ever read,  but it’s made me a better and happier person overall. i hope everything’s going well for you, and even though i may never read rog again, i just wanted to let you know that first of all, it’s okay, do what you gotta do babe, and second, it did change someone’s life for the better. i hope that you’re purely happy doing whatever it may be that you end up doing, and that you have the kind of happiness and passion that you helped me get back:) happy new year!!


Hello Amelie! I hope you’re doing better than before and wishing you well! Just wanted to let you know that everytime u updated I was always excited and made my face lit up. You write so well too! Its been a while, and you’re on of my reasons why I love reading fantasy. Social media can be cruel, people treated u so badly here, but we have your back! I hope your love and passion for writing is still there! I hope the new year treats you well, and that you are content :) Happy new year✨


Hey amelie!! you've disappeared again, I hope all is well! I just wanted you to know that about 15 of us have been brought together by your books. we have all been talking for 2 years now from all corners of the world. your books have changed our lives forever and I know I speak on everyone's behalf when I say that I am so greatful you started these books. I know that you have deleted them all and im so sorry for the way people acted. I hope one day we get these books back but i know that is not fair to you. you are an amazing person and a FANTASTIC writer. I hope that one day you can find your love for writing again. we miss you amelie, I hope you are okay❤


This made me so incredibly happy, thank you ❤️ the fact that 2 years later you’re all still friends is unbelievable, and it makes me want to find that love for writing again. Know that I’m hoping to one day give the finished books to you guys and I appreciate that all these years later, you’re still here supporting me. Thank you for giving me a spark to start again


I am so sorry for all that has been happening to you. The world can be mean but they are just jealous that they don’t have your amazing talents of writing. I loved your book and have been thinking about it for months now. I wish I could go back and read it but understand that you are not ready for that. Whenever you are though please publish this series for everyone to read. You will blow up and become so famous because this serious was so amazing. I would buy it as soon as it was published. So please keep us updated and whenever you decide to pick writing back up, if that ever happens, please reach out to your fans that have loved you from day one!!! For ever in my mind❤️‍


I miss kessia and talis


@angelinalexie hey friend that chokehold might be able to be released in the future. I’m giving writing a second chance… no promises that it’ll turn into anything but I’m trying 


The chokehold this series has had on me since three yrs ago…


Fr I wish so bad that I could reread the first books over and over again bc I loved them


Hey guys it’s been awhile. I wanted to apologize for dropping off the face of the planet, but I had my reasons and I’m ready to tell you now. My personal information was being leaked, like my school and where I lived, which is absolutely terrifying that anyone on the internet could have access to that. I was also receiving threats for certain things in my books, such as not have a poc main character. I was scared and I decided to drop all my socials at once before things got worse. I know I should have said something, and I apologize, but it was for my own safety. As for writing, I’ve stopped for the time being for mental health reasons, but I hope that one day I can start again and give you guys the story you’ve been waiting for. Thanks for understanding.


@AVGrenier ready when you are girly ❤️


take care of yourself love <3 you don't owe anyone anything and never apologize for putting yourself first 


sending love, it’s cruel that people crushed your love for writing just like that


hi everyone so i have some bad news but amelie quit. she stopped writing back in august after she found new inspiration. she constantly was changing this book and re changing and then changing the plot again and i think she just got sick of writing the same genre with the same characters as she found more inspiration in other genres. last we talked she said she wanted to publish traditionally and said some other things but then left tiktok blocked all of her book friends and deleted the book. before you all get concerned she is fine to my knowledge and i don’t know if she took the books down due to her mental health or what but i personally believe she just outgrew the story and we have no right to hold that against her as she provided us with a story loved by millions but that doesn’t mean she herself loved it. to all those who weren’t friends with her but were fans of the book i’m sorry that she left without saying anything you all should have gotten a goodbye i just think it was a impulse decision after the book felt like a chore for such a long time. 


Honestly these books have been on my mind like crazy. I only got to read half way into the second before I had to stop because of school but I really wish I didn’t. Thank you so much for letting us know this and also thank you for telling us that she’s ok. It’s understandable that it can get tiring writing about something you used to be passionate about but now don’t feel the same. I hope if you get to talk to her you can thank her for giving us what she did because I will always remember it . 